Category Archives: Criminal

Polyamorous Families in Canada: Early Results of New Research from CRILF

By: John-Paul Boyd PDF Version: Polyamorous Families in Canada: Early Results of New Research from CRILF Report Commented On: Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family, Perceptions of Polyamorous Relationships: Preliminary Data On 20 June 2016, the Canadian Research Institute … Continue reading

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When the Burden of Proving Institutional Bias Rests on a Prisoner

By: Amy Matychuk PDF Version: When the Burden of Proving Institutional Bias Rests on a Prisoner Case Commented On: Canada v Ewert, 2016 FCA 203 (CanLII) Prisons use psychological tests to determine if inmates are likely to reoffend, but are the … Continue reading

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Terrorism and Entrapment in the Era of Increased Scrutiny of Police

By: Elliot Holzman PDF Version: Terrorism and Entrapment in the Era of Increased Scrutiny of Police Case Commented On: R v Nuttall, 2016 BCSC 1404 (CanLII) On July 1, 2013, John Nuttall and Amanda Korody placed three pressure cooker bombs in … Continue reading

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Modernizing Circumstances: Revisiting Circumstantial Evidence in R v Villaroman

By: Lisa Silver PDF Version: Modernizing Circumstances: Revisiting Circumstantial Evidence in R v Villaroman Case Commented On: R v Villaroman, 2016 SCC 33 (CanLII) My past two blog posts have a thematic connection and this post is no exception. I have … Continue reading

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Ostensible Consent: Reality and Legal Reality

By: Drew Yewchuk PDF Version: Ostensible Consent: Reality and Legal Reality Case Commented On: R v Hajar, 2016 ABCA 222 (CanLII)  R v Hajar, 2016 ABCA 222 (CanLII) is an appeal of a sentencing for sexual offences against a minor. Hajar … Continue reading

Posted in Criminal, State Responses to Violence | 1 Comment