Category Archives: Energy

Reflections on the Alberta Energy Regulator’s Best-In-Class Regulatory Initiative

By: Fenner Stewart PDF Version: Reflections on the Alberta Energy Regulator’s Best-In-Class Regulatory Initiative Initiative Commented On: Alberta Energy Regulator’s Best-In-Class Regulatory Initiative The University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Program on Regulation (PennReg) has now completed its consultation of experts and … Continue reading

Posted in Energy | 1 Comment

Leave to Appeal granted in Ernst v Alberta Energy Regulator

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: Leave to Appeal granted in Ernst v Alberta Energy Regulator Case commented on: Ernst v Alberta Energy Regulator, 2013 ABQB 537, aff’d 2014 ABCA 285, leave to appeal granted April 30, 2015 (SCC) Today the … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Energy | 1 Comment

“Do Corporations Cry Wolf? — Comparing What Companies Tell Regulators With What They Tell Investors”

By: James Coleman PDF Version: “Do Corporations Cry Wolf? — Comparing What Companies Tell Regulators With What They Tell Investors” Corporations regularly complain that new regulations will harm their business and the broader economy. How seriously should we take those … Continue reading

Posted in Corporate / Commercial, Energy, Securities | 1 Comment

An Update on the Northern Gateway Litigation

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: An Update on the Northern Gateway Litigation Cases Commented On: Forest Ethics Advocacy Association v Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc, 2015 FCA 26; Gitxaala Nation v Northern Gateway Pipelines Inc, 2015 FCA 27; Gitxaala Nation v … Continue reading

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Entitlements Protected by a Property Rule vs Entitlements Protected by a Liability Rule; or FPIC vs Regulated Access

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Entitlements Protected by a Property Rule vs Entitlements Protected by a Liability Rule; or FPIC vs Regulated Access Case Commented On: Sproule v Altalink Management Ltd, 2015 ABQB 153 AltaLink is building a transmission line … Continue reading

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