Category Archives: Energy

The Continuing Fall-out from Stores Block: Guidance from the Alberta Utilities Commission on Utility Asset Disposition

PDF Version: The Continuing Fall-out from Stores Block: Guidance from the Alberta Utilities Commission on Utility Asset Disposition Decision commented on: Alberta Utilities Commission, Utility Asset Disposition, Decision 2013-417, November 26, 2013 In ATCO Gas & Pipelines Ltd. v Alberta … Continue reading

Posted in Energy | 1 Comment

Shell Jackpine JRP Report: Would the Real “Adaptive Management” Please Stand Up?

PDF version: Shell Jackpine JRP Report: Would the Real “Adaptive Management” Please Stand Up? Decision commented on: Shell Canada Energy, Jackpine Mine Expansion Project, Application to Amend Approval 9756, 2013 ABAER 011/Decision 2013-011 (CEAA, 2012). On July 9, 2013, the … Continue reading

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Burnaby Refinery not a Priority Destination under Pipeline Tariff

PDF version: Burnaby Refinery not a Priority Destination under Pipeline Tariff Case commented on: Chevron Canada Limited Priority Destination Designation Application (15 July 2013) MH-002-2012 (NEB). Most shippers on the Trans Mountain Pipeline will no doubt be pleased with the … Continue reading

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Alberta Energy Regulator: Split Jurisdiction Implications for Crown Consultation?

PDF version: Alberta Energy Regulator: Split Jurisdiction Implications for Crown Consultation? Legislation considered: Responsible Energy Development Act, SA 2012, c 17; Designation of Constitutional Decision Makers Regulation, AR 69/2006 The new single Alberta Energy Regulator under the Responsible Energy Development Act, has been … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Energy | 1 Comment

A new approach to regulating unconventional resource plays in Alberta: the ERCB takes a bold step forward

PDF version: A new approach to regulating unconventional resource plays in Alberta: the ERCB takes a bold step forward Document commented on: ERCB Discussion Paper, Regulating Unconventional Oil and Gas in Alberta, 2012. In the weeks before Christmas the Energy … Continue reading

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