Category Archives: Environmental

The Cost of Justice for the Western Chorus Frog

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: The Cost of Justice for the Western Chorus Frog Case Commented On: 9255-2504 Québec Inc. v Canada, 2020 FC 161 (CanLII) This decision is a bit dated as it was issued back in January, but an … Continue reading

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Final Strategic Assessment on Climate Change: Zero Net Effect?

By: David V. Wright PDF Version: Final Strategic Assessment on Climate Change: Zero Net Effect? Document Commented On: Environment and Climate Change Canada, Final Strategic Assessment of Climate Change (Gatineau: ECCC, 2020) The federal government recently released the final version of … Continue reading

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Court Confirms that Offshore Board Cannot Extend a Licence Term by Issuing a Replacement Licence

By: Nigel Bankes  PDF Version: Court Confirms that Offshore Board Cannot Extend a Licence Term by Issuing a Replacement Licence Case commented on: David Suzuki Foundation v Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, 2020 NLSC 94 (CanLII). This decision involves … Continue reading

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COVID-19 and the Suspension of Environmental Monitoring in the Oil Sands

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: COVID-19 and the Suspension of Environmental Monitoring in the Oil Sands Decisions Commented On: Alberta Energy Regulator Decisions 20200505A, 20200501C, 20200501B, and 20200501A Last week the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) issued decisions 20200429D (subsequently replaced with … Continue reading

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Governance and Accountability: Preconditions for Committing Public Funds to Orphan Wells and Facilities and Inactive Wells

By: Nigel Bankes, Shaun Fluker, Martin Olszynski and Drew Yewchuk PDF Version: Governance and Accountability: Preconditions for Committing Public Funds to Orphan Wells and Facilities and Inactive Wells Announcement commented on: Department of Finance Canada, Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: … Continue reading

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