Category Archives: Environmental

Separation of Powers and the Government’s Response to the Judgment in Pembina Institute v Alberta (Environment and Sustainable Resources Development), 2013 ABQB 567

PDF Version: Separation of Powers and the Government’s Response to the Judgment in Pembina Institute v Alberta (Environment and Sustainable Resources Development), 2013 ABQB 567 Responses commented on: (1) “Still Alberta’s prerogative to say who speaks at oilsands reviews: Alison … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental | 2 Comments

The Smoking Gun Revealed: Alberta Environment Denies Environmental Groups Who Oppose Oil Sands Projects the Right to Participate in the Decision-Making Process

PDF Version: The Smoking Gun Revealed: Alberta Environment Denies Environmental Groups Who Oppose Oil Sands Projects the Right to Participate in the Decision-Making Process Cases Considered: Pembina Institute v Alberta (Environment and Sustainable Resource Development), 2013 ABQB 567 This decision … Continue reading

Posted in Access to Justice, Environmental, Intervenors and Standing | 4 Comments

Update on the Sage-grouse, the Separation of Powers and the Rule of (Ineffective Environmental) Law(s)

PDF Version: Update on the Sage-grouse, the Separation of Powers and the Rule of (Ineffective Environmental) Law(s) Cases Considered: Alberta Wilderness Association v Canada (Attorney General), 2013 FCA 190, Wildlands League and Federation of Ontario Naturalists v Ministry of Natural … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Constitutional, Environmental, Protection of Species | 4 Comments

Of Killer Whales, Sage-grouse and the Battle Against (Madisonian) Tyranny

PDF version: Of Killer Whales, Sage-grouse and the Battle Against (Madisonian) Tyranny Cases commented on: Alberta Wilderness Association v Canada (Attorney General), 2013 FCA 190, Agraira v Canada (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness), 2013 SCC 36, Canada (Fisheries and Oceans) v David … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Constitutional, Environmental | Comments Off on Of Killer Whales, Sage-grouse and the Battle Against (Madisonian) Tyranny

City of Calgary not Entitled to Disclosure of Environmental Agreement on Lynnview Ridge

PDF version: City of Calgary not Entitled to Disclosure of Environmental Agreement on Lynnview Ridge Case Commented on: Imperial Oil Ltd v Calgary (City), 2013 ABQB 393. Many people are concerned about what appears to be the lack of public … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Privacy | 1 Comment