Category Archives: Environmental

The Role of the “Noble Savage” in Environmental Social Activism

PDF version: The Role of the “Noble Savage” in Environmental Social Activism Context of discussion: Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project This blog is to discuss what I call the “The Role of the Noble Savage” in the pursuit of environmental … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Environmental, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

Species at risk and an adjustment clause

PDF version: Species at risk and an adjustment clause Case considered: Matichuk v Quattro Holdings Ltd, 2013 ABQB 164. The case of Matichuk v Quattro Holdings Ltd involves a contractual dispute over the sale of a parcel of agricultural land in … Continue reading

Posted in Contracts, Environmental, Protection of Species | 1 Comment

Migratory Birds and the City

PDF version: Migratory Birds and the City Decision considered: Podolsky v Cadillac Fairview Corp. [2013] OJ No 581 (QL) [Note as of date of writing this decision is not available online at Canlii or the Ontario Court of Justice]. In … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Protection of Species | 3 Comments

No Public Interest Standing at the Alberta Environmental Appeals Board

PDF version: No Public Interest Standing at the Alberta Environmental Appeals Board Decisions considered: Alberta Wilderness Association v Alberta (Environmental Appeal Board), 2013 ABQB 44; Water Matters Society of Alberta et al v Director, Southern Region, Operations Division, Alberta Environment … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Intervenors and Standing, Water Law | 1 Comment

The Responsible Energy Development Act and the Water Act – cloudy confluences

PDF version: The Responsible Energy Development Act and the Water Act – cloudy confluences After 18 consecutive hours of steamed debate Alberta Legislature passed Bill 2, the Responsible Energy Development Act, (REDA) into law on November 21st, 2012 (see Calgary … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Oil & Gas, Responsible Energy Development Act, Water Law | 2 Comments