Category Archives: Environmental

The Elephant in the Courtroom

PDF version: The Elephant in the Courtroom Case Considered: Reece v Edmonton (City), 2011 ABCA 238 In March 2011 the Court of Appeal heard an appeal by Zoocheck Canada, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and Tove Reece (collectively … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Environmental, Intervenors and Standing | Comments Off on The Elephant in the Courtroom

First Nation treaty obligations should inform the interpretation of discretionary powers under the Species at Risk Act

PDF version: First Nation treaty obligations should inform the interpretation of discretionary powers under the Species at Risk Act  Case commented on: Adam v Canada (Environment), 2011 FC 962 Woodland caribou are listed as threatened under the Species at Risk … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Environmental | Comments Off on First Nation treaty obligations should inform the interpretation of discretionary powers under the Species at Risk Act

Compensation for cancelled oil sands rights under the terms of the draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan

PDF version: Compensation for cancelled oil sands rights under the terms of the draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan  Documents commented on: Draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan 2011 – 2021, Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan; Proposed Lower Athabasca Integrated Regional Plan … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Property, Protection of Spaces | Comments Off on Compensation for cancelled oil sands rights under the terms of the draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan

A single window for the permitting of energy projects in Alberta: who will look out for the chickens?

PDF version: A single window for the permitting of energy projects in Alberta: who will look out for the chickens?  Report commented on: Enhancing Assurance: Developing an integrated energy resources regulator, a discussion document, May 2011 In a discussion paper … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Energy, Environmental, Natural Resources, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

The proof of the pudding: ALSA and the Draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan

PDF version: The proof of the pudding: ALSA and the Draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Documents commented on: Draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan 2011 – 2021, Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan; Proposed Lower Athabasca Integrated Regional Plan Regulations On April … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Property, Protection of Spaces | Comments Off on The proof of the pudding: ALSA and the Draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan