Category Archives: Ethics and the Legal Profession

The public and private duties of opposing counsel

Case considered: F.N. v. McGechie, 2009 ABQB 625 PDF version:  The public and private duties of opposing counsel Alberta courts have consistently held that misconduct by counsel in the course of litigation will not normally be the basis for liability … Continue reading

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Prosecutorial Accountability?

Case considered: Miazga v. Kvello Estate, 2009 SCC 51 PDF Version:  Prosecutorial Accountability? In its 2002 decision in Law Society of Alberta v. Krieger, 2002 SCC 65, the Supreme Court of Canada affirmed the ability of the Law Society of … Continue reading

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Reasonable or resolute? Musings on the obligation of lawyers to grant reasonable requests for extensions

Case considered: Moose Mountain Buffalo Ranch v. Greene Farms Drilling Ltd., 2009 ABQB 489 PDF version: Reasonable or resolute? Musings on the obligation of lawyers to grant reasonable requests for extensions Moose Mountain Buffalo Ranch and Greene Farms Drilling Ltd. … Continue reading

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Legal ethics and academic freedom?

Considered: Task Force on the Canadian Common Law Degree Final Report PDF version: Legal ethics and academic freedom? Introduction Last week the Federation of Law Societies issued the “Final Report” of its Task Force on the Canadian Common Law Degree. … Continue reading

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Unhappy differences arise in R. v. Cunningham

Case considered: R. v. Cunningham, 2008 YKCA 7 PDF version: Unhappy differences arise in R. v. Cunningham On November 17, 2009 the Supreme Court of Canada will hear argument in R. v. Cunningham, an appeal of a judgment by the … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession, Supreme Court of Canada | 1 Comment