Category Archives: Family

Private Justice Delayed

Cases Considered: Flock v. Flock, 2007 ABCA 287, Flock v. Flock, 2007 ABQB 307

Keywords: arbitration, matrimonial property division, leave to appeal

PDF Version: Private Justice Delayed

In September 2007, Mr. Justice Peter Martin denied leave to appeal of a May 2007 decision by Madam Justice K.M. Horner setting aside an arbitrator’s award dividing matrimonial property. The couple embroiled in this dispute had married in 1982, separated in 1994 and divorced in 1999. The couple had a considerable amount of real property and thorny issues related to property owned prior to the marriage and the value of those properties that should be exempted from the matrimonial property regime. A 6-day arbitration hearing was held before one arbitrator, Alan Beattie, Q.,C., in Calgary in 2003 and he rendered an award 33 months later, in July 2006. Article IX of the arbitration agreement between the couple and Mr. Beattie required the arbitrator to communicate his award to the parties within 60 days of the end of the hearing. The past year of litigation has been devoted to the husband’s application to set aside the July 2006 award.

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