Category Archives: Human Rights

Keeping Faith Out of the Public Square: Is Calgary City Hall Offside?

By: Kathleen Mahoney PDF Version: Keeping Faith Out of the Public Square: Is Calgary City Hall Offside? Case Commented On: Mouvement laïque québécois v Saguenay (City), 2015 SCC 16 O God, author of all wisdom, knowledge and understanding. We ask … Continue reading

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Alberta Arbitration Decision Embraces Broadening Trend on Family Status Discrimination

By: Linda McKay-Panos PDF Version: Alberta Arbitration Decision Embraces Broadening Trend on Family Status Discrimination Case Commented On: SMS Equipment Inc v Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, 2015 ABQB 162 The definition of discrimination on the basis of family status … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Labour/Employment | 2 Comments

Trinity Western University and Some Finer Points of Trans and Intersex Diversity

By: Saul Templeton PDF Version: Trinity Western University and Some Finer Points of Trans and Intersex Diversity In the comments to my first post on Trinity Western University, it was suggested that TWU should be given the benefit of the … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Legal Education | 1 Comment

Trinity Western University: Policing Gender and Requiring LGBTQI+ People to Pay for It

By: Saul Templeton PDF Version: Trinity Western University: Policing Gender and Requiring LGBTQI+ People to Pay for It This post is a follow-up to my previous post, Trinity Western University: Your Tax Dollars at Work. The first two parts respond … Continue reading

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Settlement Agreements Can Pose Challenges for Human Rights Commissions

By: Linda McKay-Panos PDF Version: Settlement Agreements Can Pose Challenges for Human Rights Commissions Cases Commented On: Buterman v Greater St. Albert Regional School Division No. 29, 2014 AHRC 8; Buterman v Greater St. Albert Regional School Division No. 29, … Continue reading

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