Category Archives: Human Rights

Update in the Area of Family Status Discrimination

PDF version: Update in the Area of Family Status Discrimination Case considered: Canadian National Railway v Denise Seeley and Canadian Human Rights Commission, 2013 FC 117. In 2010, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal released three cases involving Alberta women who … Continue reading

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The Harm of Hate Speech: Are Media Responses Knee Jerk, Impulsive and Thoughtless?

PDF version: The Harm of Hate Speech: Are Media Responses Knee Jerk, Impulsive and Thoughtless? Case commented on: Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission v Whatcott, 2013 SCC 11 (CanLii). It is difficult to find balanced or thoughtful responses from the media … Continue reading

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Condominiums, Caregivers and Human Rights

PDF version: Condominiums, Caregivers and Human Rights Case commented on: Condominium Plan No 9910225 v Davis, 2013 ABQB 49. Anyone who has seen the film Amour knows that caring for an ill and elderly loved one can be an impossibly … Continue reading

Posted in Condominiums, Human Rights | 4 Comments

The Justice Minister’s Take on Current Human Rights and Civil Liberties Issues in Alberta

PDF version: The Justice Minister’s Take on Current Human Rights and Civil Liberties Issues in Alberta On January 25, 2013, Alberta Justice Minister Jonathan Denis spoke to a crowd of about 50 people gathered by the Sheldon Chumir Foundation for … Continue reading

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When does aggressive panhandling become robbery?

PDF version: When does aggressive panhandling become robbery? Case commented on: R v Ajang, 2012 ABCA 364.  This case addresses the relationship between members of society who are homeless or poor, and those who are uncomfortable and/or threatened by homeless … Continue reading

Posted in Criminal, Human Rights | 1 Comment