Category Archives: Human Rights

Addictions, Human Rights and Professional Discipline – Will the SCC Wade In?

PDF version: Addictions, Human Rights and Professional Discipline – Will the SCC Wade In? Case Commented on: Wright v College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (Appeals Committee), 2012 ABCA 267 In this recent case, the majority (Justice Frans … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Labour/Employment | 1 Comment

Walsh and Mobil Oil – The Long-Running Saga Continues

PDF version: Walsh and Mobil Oil – The Long-Running Saga Continues Decision commented on: Walsh v Mobil Canada, 2012 ABQB 527 After several tribunal and court proceedings, taking place over the past 20+ years, Mobil was found to have discriminated … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Labour/Employment | Comments Off on Walsh and Mobil Oil – The Long-Running Saga Continues

Peter Lougheed and the Constitution, Notwithstanding

PDF version: Peter Lougheed and the Constitution, Notwithstanding Commenting on: The legacy of section 33 of the Charter I am not a conservative, as anyone who knows me or reads Rate My Professor is already aware.  But notwithstanding my political … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Human Rights | 3 Comments

Where does legitimate religious expression end and hate speech begin?

PDF Version: Where does legitimate religious expression end and hate speech begin? Alan Hunsberger, a Wildrose candidate who ran for election for the provincial legislature in Alberta, believes the Edmonton Public School Board’s policy of adopting anti-bullying policies to protect … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights | 5 Comments

The Safe Injection Site Precedent: Parliamentary Supremacy vs. Democratic Values?

Case Considered: Canada (A.G.) v PHS Community Services Society, 2011, SCC 44 PDF Version: The Safe Injection Site Precedent: Parliamentary Supremacy vs. Democratic Values? The recent SCC ruling in Canada (A.G.) v PHS Community Services Society (Insite)  caused quite a … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights | 1 Comment