Category Archives: Human Rights

Age Discrimination in Employment: What will Make the Grade?

Cases Considered: Brawn v. Profile Seismic Ltd., (June 16, 2009, Diane Colley-Urquhart Panel Chair) PDF Version: Age Discrimination in Employment: What will Make the Grade? Diane Colley-Urquhart, sitting as a Panel for the Human Rights and Citizenship Commission (“Commission”), recently dealt … Continue reading

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To Employ or Not to Employ: Is That the Question?

Case considered: Lockerbie & Hole Industrial Inc. v. Alberta (Human Rights and Citizenship Commission), 2009 ABQB 241, overturning Donald Luka v. Lockerbie & Hole Industrial Inc. and Syncrude Canada, Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission, February 15, 2008 (Beth Bryant) … Continue reading

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The Charter, School Boards and Discrimination Claims

Case considered: Hamilton v. Rocky View School Division No. 41, 2009 ABQB 225 PDF version: The Charter, School Boards and Discrimination Claims In a recent post I examined whether the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms would apply to the … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Human Rights | 1 Comment

Amendments to Bill 44 Worsen a Bad Bill

Legislation considered: Bill 44, Human Rights Citizenship and Multiculturalism Amendment Act; Amendment A1A; Amendment A1B PDF version: Amendments to Bill 44 Worsen a Bad Bill In a previous post, I discussed a number of concerns about the proposed amendments to … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights | 1 Comment

Costs Take Centre Stage in Human Rights Case

Case considered: Alberta (Human Rights and Citizenship Commission Panel) v. Tequila Bar & Grill Ltd., 2009 ABQB 226 PDF version: Costs Take Centre Stage in Human Rights Case The issue of costs does not normally merit discussion in a blog. … Continue reading

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