Category Archives: Human Rights

Proposed Amendments to Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act Off the Mark

Legislation Considered: Bill 44, Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Amendment Act PDF version: Proposed Amendments to Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act Off the Mark Over the past twenty years, Alberta’s human rights legislation has been examined and changes have … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights | 2 Comments

How does a complainant prove that he/she has experienced racial discrimination?

Case Considered: Workeneh v. 922591 Alberta Ltd., 2009 ABQB 191 PDF version: How does a complainant prove that he/she has experienced racial discrimination? The Workeneh case draws attention to the challenges of proving that a complainant has been discriminated against … Continue reading

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Gender Reassignment Surgery, Human Rights, and the Minister

Legislation Considered: Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.H-14 PDF Version: Gender Reassignment Surgery, Human Rights, and the Minister When the Alberta government introduced its budget on April 7, 2009, one of its cuts was to de-insure new gender … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights | 1 Comment

Employee Alcohol and Drug Testing Once Again At Issue

Case Considered: United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada, Local 488 v. Bantrel Constructors Co., 2009 ABCA 84 PDF Version: Employee Alcohol and Drug Testing Once Again At Issue … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Labour/Employment | 5 Comments

New Legislation on Film and Video Classification Garners Little Attention

Legislation Considered: Film and Video Classification Act, S.A. 2008 c. F-11.5 PDF Version: New Legislation on Film and Video Classification Garners Little Attention Without much attention or fanfare, the Film and Video Classification Act (“FVCA“), S.A. 2008 c. F-11.5 received … Continue reading

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