By: Nigel Bankes
PDF Version: The Implementing Regulation for Bill 12: The Liabilities Management Statutes Amendments Act, 2020
Matter Commented On: Orphan Fund Delegated Administration Amendment Regulation, OC 174/2020
Bill 12, the Liabilities Management Statutes Amendments Act, 2020, amongst other things, authorized the delegation of additional responsibilities to the Orphan Well Association (OWA). I provided commentary on Bill 12 in a previous post here. The entry into force of Bill 12 is set for June 15, 2020, and this amendment to the Orphan Fund Delegated Administration Regulation, Alta Reg 45/2001 (Delegation Regulation), effective the same day, implements that incremental delegation and clarifies some additional issues.
This post draws attention to four elements of the amendment: (1) the definitions of “holder of the mineral rights” and of “person who has the right to win, work and recover a mineral”; (2) the limitation of liability provisions of the Delegation Regulation; (3) the applicability of the audit and inspection provisions of the Government Organization Act, RSA 2000 c G-10 (GOA); and (4) the enhanced authority of the OWA to enter into and expend funds pursuant to “agreements” with other parties.