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Category: Oil & Gas Page 14 of 54

TMX Litigation Takes an Unusual Turn at the Federal Court of Appeal

By: David V. Wright, Martin Olszynski, and Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: TMX Litigation Takes an Unusual Turn at the Federal Court of Appeal

Case Commented OnIgnace v Canada (Attorney General), 2019 FCA 239 (CanLII)

Last week, the Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) issued another ruling in the TMX saga dealing with the consolidated challenges to the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion (TMX) project. This decision comes just three weeks after Raincoast Conservation Foundation v Canada (Attorney General), 2019 FCA 224 (Can LII) (Raincoast), where the FCA granted leave to six parties to commence judicial reviews challenging the Governor in Council’s decision to re-approve the Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX) project. In this most recent decision, Justice David Stratas concluded that two of those six parties, Tsleil Waututh Nation (TWN) and Squamish Nation (Squamish), had filed applications that went beyond the narrow parameters set out in the September 4thcourt order granting leave. Accordingly, the Court issued an order allowing both parties to file amended notices of application that comply with the restrictions in the initial order. In this post, we briefly summarize this latest and fairly unusual development and conclude with a brief comment on what might have led counsel to push the boundaries in this matter.

The Regulation of “Gas Utility” Transmission Pipelines in Alberta

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: The Regulation of “Gas Utility” Transmission Pipelines in Alberta

Decision Commented On: ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. Pembina-Keephills Transmission Pipeline Project August 6, 2019, AUC Decision 23799-D01-2019.

This decision of the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) deals with a large gas transmission pipeline designed to provide additional gas supplies to the Wabamun area (principally to provide fuel for coal to gas conversions of existing coal-fired generating facilities and additional gas generation). The decision reveals the surprising complexity of gas transmission pipeline regulation in Alberta.

Vesting Off Interests in Land – The Latest Dianor Decision

By: Ashley Weldon & Tasha Wood

PDF Version: Vesting Off Interests in Land – The Latest Dianor Decision

Decision Commented On: Third Eye Capital Corporation v Ressources Dianor Inc./Dianor Resources Inc., 2019 ONCA 508 (CanLII)

The Ontario Court of Appeal has released its much anticipated second decision in Third Eye Capital Corporation v Ressources Dianor Inc./Dianor Resources Inc.(Dianor2019). The issue squarely before the Court in this case was whether a vesting order granted in a receivership proceeding could extinguish a third party’s interest in land in the nature of a gross overriding royalty (GOR).  The Court concluded that it had the jurisdiction to do so. This appears to be the first case in Canada to reach this conclusion in the context of a GOR.

Another Interconnection Application Crashes Out

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Another Interconnection Application Crashes Out

Decision Commented On: AUC Decision 24126-D01-2019, Keyera Energy Ltd, Cynthia Gas Plant Power Plant Application, June 25, 2019

In its Smith decision earlier this year, the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) concluded that a self-generator could only avoid the general “must offer, must exchange” obligations imposed by the Electric Utilities Act, SA 2003, c E-5.1, (EUA; and regulations) and the Hydro and Electric Energy Act, RSA 2000, c H-16, (HEEA) if it fell within one of the prescribed exceptions in the legislative scheme. ABlawg commented on the Smith decision here: Opening a Can of Worms. The AUC followed its Smith decision with two further interconnection applications in April and early June: AUC Decision 23756-DOI-2019, Advantage Oil and Gas Ltd. Glacier Power Plant Alteration, April 26, 2019; and AUC Decision 24393-D01-2019, International Paper Canada Pulp Holdings ULC Request for Permanent Connection for 48-Megawatt Power Plant, June 6, 2019. I commented on these latter two decisions here.

Royalty Certainty for the Oil and Gas Industry?

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Royalty Certainty for the Oil and Gas Industry?

Legislation Commented On: Alberta Bill 12: Royalty Guarantee Act

On June 20, 2019 Alberta’s Legislature gave first reading to Bill 12, The Royalty Guarantee Act. The Bill aims to fulfil a commitment made as part of the United Conservative Party’s (UCP) election platform:

Royalty Guarantee

Recent Alberta governments shook investor confidence with royalty reviews. A United Conservative government will guarantee in law that the royalty regime in place when a well is permitted will remain in place for that project in perpetuity. (at 30)

In the press release accompanying introduction of the Bill, Minister Sonya Savage reiterated the concerns that led to its introduction:

Frequent royalty reviews have had a significant negative impact on the energy industry and our province’s ability to compete with other energy jurisdictions. Alberta has competitive royalty rates and investors need certainty when making long-term decisions that the rates will not change on a whim. This legislation would provide the guarantee that stability isn’t just something we talk about in Alberta, it is the law.

This post examines the current rules in relation to changes in Crown royalties and then considers the scope and effect of Bill 12.

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