Category Archives: Oil & Gas

Kallisto #2. Competing Uses of Geological Space: Resolving Conflicts Between Oil Production and Natural Gas Storage Interests

By: Nigel Bankes PDF version: Kallisto #2. Competing Uses of Geological Space: Resolving Conflicts Between Oil Production and Natural Gas Storage Interests Decision Commented On: Kallisto Energy Corp Application for a Well Licence, Crossfield East Field, July 23, 2013, 2013 … Continue reading

Posted in Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

Burnaby Refinery not a Priority Destination under Pipeline Tariff

PDF version: Burnaby Refinery not a Priority Destination under Pipeline Tariff Case commented on: Chevron Canada Limited Priority Destination Designation Application (15 July 2013) MH-002-2012 (NEB). Most shippers on the Trans Mountain Pipeline will no doubt be pleased with the … Continue reading

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Obama Climate Change Speech Sets New Standard for Keystone Pipeline Debate

By: James Coleman PDF Version: Obama Climate Change Speech Sets New Standard for Keystone Pipeline Debate Speech Commented On: Remarks by President Obama on Climate Change, On June 25, President Obama unveiled a Climate Action Plan in a speech … Continue reading

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Summary Judgement Ordered In Outstanding Coal Bed Methane Cases

PDF version: Summary Judgement Ordered In Outstanding Coal Bed Methane Cases Case commented on: Encana Corporation v ARC Resources Ltd, 2013 ABQB 352. Previous decisions of the Court of Queen’s Bench and the Court of Appeal (Encana Corporation v ARC Resources Ltd, … Continue reading

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Competition Law and the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry

PDF version: Competition Law and the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Decision commented on: 321665 Alberta Ltd. v Husky Oil Operations Ltd, 2013 ABCA 221. I suspect that there will be sighs of relief in the board rooms of downtown Calgary (or … Continue reading

Posted in Competition, Oil & Gas | 2 Comments