Category Archives: Oil & Gas

Quest. The Energy Resources Conservation Board Approves the First Commercial Scale Carbon Capture and Storage Project in Alberta

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Quest. The Energy Resources Conservation Board Approves the First Commercial Scale Carbon Capture and Storage Project in Alberta Decision Commented On: Shell Canada Limited, Application for the Quest Carbon Capture and Storage Project, Radway Field, … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Carbon Capture and Storage, Energy, Natural Resources, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

British Columbia and the Northern Gateway Pipeline

PDF version: British Columbia and the Northern Gateway Pipeline Document commented on: BC Outlines requirements for heavy oil pipeline projects, July 23, 2012. The proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline is proving to be extremely contentious on a number of fronts. It … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Energy, Natural Resources, Oil & Gas | 18 Comments

The Proposed Single Energy Regulator: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go from Here?

PDF version: The Proposed Single Energy Regulator: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go from Here? Report commented on: Enhancing Assurance: Developing an integrated energy resources regulator, A Discussion Document, May 2011  It has been over a year … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Energy, Environmental, Natural Resources, Oil & Gas | Comments Off on The Proposed Single Energy Regulator: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go from Here?

More Grist for the Mill, Another Case of Gross Negligence under CAPL 1990

PDF version: More grist for the mill, another case of gross negligence under CAPL 1990 Case commented on: Trident Exploration Corp. (Re), 2012 ABQB 242 An operator under a pooling agreement who agrees to take charge of responding to a … Continue reading

Posted in Oil & Gas, Property | Comments Off on More Grist for the Mill, Another Case of Gross Negligence under CAPL 1990

The European Fuel Quality Directive: Will It Slay or Will It Go?

By: Matthew Ducharme PDF Version: The European Fuel Quality Directive: Will It Stay or Will it Go?  Document Commented On: Draft Implementing Measure to the European Union Fuel Quality Directive, February 23, 2012 On February 23, 2012, a European Union … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Environmental, International Law, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment