Category Archives: Privacy

Leon’s Furniture and Privacy: When is it Unreasonable to be Reasonable?

PDF version: Leon’s Furniture and Privacy: When is it Unreasonable to be Reasonable?  Case considered: Leon’s Furniture Limited v Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2011 ABCA 94 This significant privacy case illustrates some of the difficulties courts (and many lawyers … Continue reading

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Issue of Timing Arises Again: Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Quashes Decision of Information and Privacy Commissioner for Reasonable Apprehension of Bias

PDF version: Issue of Timing Arises Again: Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Quashes Decision of Information and Privacy Commissioner for Reasonable Apprehension of Bias  Case considered: Alberta Teachers’ Association v Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2011 ABQB 19 (“Wright“) Once … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Privacy, Supreme Court of Canada | 1 Comment

Supreme Court hears Alberta Privacy Case

Case considered: Information and Privacy Commissioner v. Alberta Teachers’ Association, an appeal from 2010 ABCA 26 Yesterday the Supreme Court of Canada heard the appeal in Information and Privacy Commissioner v. Alberta Teachers’ Association, an appeal from 2010 ABCA 26. For … Continue reading

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Court Addresses the Duty of a University to Assist a Professor who was Seeking Information Related to his Teaching

Case considered: University of Alberta v. Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2010 ABQB 89 PDF version: Court Addresses the Duty of a University to Assist a Professor who was Seeking Information Related to his Teaching In Alberta, universities are subject to … Continue reading

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Court of Appeal Decision on Privacy Process Likely to Have Significant Impact on Office of Information and Privacy Commissioner

Case considered: Alberta Teachers’ Association v. Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2010 ABCA 26 PDF version:  Court of Appeal Decision on Privacy Process Likely to Have Significant Impact on Office of Information and Privacy Commissioner In a rare move, the … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Privacy | 1 Comment