Category Archives: Property

Andriet v. County of Strathcona No. 20: Court of Appeal Conjures a Creative Accretion Approach

Cases Considered: Andriet v. County of Strathcona No. 20, 2008 ABCA 27 PDF Version: Andriet v. County of Strathcona No. 20: Court of Appeal Conjures a Creative Accretion Approach In this important reserved judgment, the Alberta Court of Appeal applied … Continue reading

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The Doctrine of Part Performance: Still Strict After All These Years

Cases Considered: Varma v. Donaldson, 2008 ABQB 106 PDF Version: The Doctrine of Part Performance: Still Strict After All These Years This was an application under section 141 of the Land Titles Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. L-4 for the discharge … Continue reading

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Two cases concerning the Statute of Frauds (1677, U.K.)

Cases Considered: Leoppky v. Meston, 2008 ABQB 45, Wasylyshyn v. Wasylyshyn, 2008 ABQB 39 PDF Version: Two cases concerning the Statute of Frauds (1677, U.K.) A statute enacted over 350 years ago by a Parliament sitting in London, England was … Continue reading

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City Amends Land Use Bylaw in Bad Faith

Cases Considered: Airport Self Storage and R.V. Centre Ltd. v. Leduc (City), 2008 ABQB 12 PDF Version: City Amends Land Use Bylaw in Bad Faith Although municipal councils in Alberta are generally entitled to amend land use bylaws by following … Continue reading

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Severing a Joint Tenancy Without Adequate Notice to the Other Joint Tenant

Cases Considered: Felske (Estate of) v. Donszelmann, 2007 ABQB 682 PDF Version: Severing a Joint Tenancy Without Adequate Notice to the Other Joint Tenant This is one of those estates cases where the facts cry out for a particular result. … Continue reading

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