By: Scott Carrière
PDF Version: Not Your Grandfather’s Cooperative Federalism: Constitutional Themes at the Supreme Court Hearing of Redwater
Case Commented On: Orphan Well Association, et al v Grant Thornton Limited, et al, 2017 ABCA 124 (CanLII), leave granted 2017 CanLII 75023 (SCC), webcast available here, factums on appeal available here
The Orphan Well Association and Alberta Energy Regulator’s action against a now-defunct oil and gas company’s bankruptcy trustee and primary creditor— commonly known as Redwater—was heard before the Supreme Court in February, and with the facts of the case disclosing a number of significant issues pertaining to the division of powers, the constitutional themes took centre stage throughout the oral and written submissions to the court. The arguments put forward by the parties and interveners represent significant considerations of Canada’s doctrinal approach to federalism as they pertain to contemporary natural resource governance. This post focuses on these substantial doctrinal issues put to the court by the parties and interveners, as it is likely that the case will be decided on narrower bases than the full suite of considerations put to the Court given its general restraint on constitutional matters that could represent a shift in the established doctrine dealing with the division of federal and provincial powers.