Search Results for: Trans Mountain

Northern Gateway: Federal Court of Appeal Applies Wrong CEAA Provisions and Unwittingly Affirms Regressiveness of 2012 Budget Bills

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Northern Gateway: Federal Court of Appeal Applies Wrong CEAA Provisions and Unwittingly Affirms Regressiveness of 2012 Budget Bills Case Commented On: Gitxaala Nation v. Canada, 2016 FCA 187 (CanLII) On June 20, 2016, the Federal Court of … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental | 13 Comments

Chronicles of the Canadian High Court of Environmental Justice: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society v Maligne Tours

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Chronicles of the Canadian High Court of Environmental Justice: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society v Maligne Tours Case Commented On: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society v Maligne Tours, 2016 FC 148 In a decision issued … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental | 2 Comments

Section 27 of the Surface Rights Act and the Potential Fallout of Non-Compliance

By: Fenner Stewart PDF Version: Section 27 of the Surface Rights Act and the Potential Fallout of Non-Compliance Legislation Commented On: Surface Rights Act, RSA 2000, c S-24 Section 27 of Alberta’s Surface Rights Act obliges operators to notify landowners … Continue reading

Posted in Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

Civil Liberties Association Holds Public Consultation on Gay-Straight Alliances in Schools

By: Sarah Burton PDF Version: Civil Liberties Association Holds Public Consultation on Gay-Straight Alliances in Schools Consultation Commented On: Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties Association, Consultation on Gay Straight Alliances, January 27, 2015 The Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties Association (RMCLA) recently … Continue reading

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Judicial Supervision of the National Energy Board (NEB): The Federal Court of Appeal Defers to the NEB on Key Decisions

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Judicial Supervision of the National Energy Board (NEB): The Federal Court of Appeal Defers to the NEB on Key Decisions Cases Commented On: Forest Ethics Advocacy Association and Donna Sinclair v National Energy Board, 2014 … Continue reading

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