Top Ten Environmental Law Stories: Canadian Edition

By: Martin Olszynski, Sharon Mascher, and Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Top Ten Environmental Law Stories: Canadian Edition This last year was an important one for environmental law and policy, both in Canada and globally. In this post we highlight ten of the most significant developments. Many of these figure among the usual suspects included in […]

Aboriginal Title Claim Against a Private Party Allowed to Continue

By: Nigel Bankes     PDF Version: Aboriginal Title Claim Against a Private Party Allowed to Continue Case Commented On: Ominayak v Penn West Petroleum Ltd, 2015 ABQB 342 Some forty or so years ago the Lubicon Lake Band and Chief Bernard Ominayak commenced an action for aboriginal title, and, in the alternative, a treaty reserve entitlement […]

Section 27 of the Surface Rights Act and the Potential Fallout of Non-Compliance

By: Fenner Stewart PDF Version: Section 27 of the Surface Rights Act and the Potential Fallout of Non-Compliance Legislation Commented On: Surface Rights Act, RSA 2000, c S-24 Section 27 of Alberta’s Surface Rights Act obliges operators to notify landowners of the opportunity to renegotiate leases, but provides no enforcement measures for operator non-compliance. This […]

Entitlements Protected by a Property Rule vs Entitlements Protected by a Liability Rule; or FPIC vs Regulated Access

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Entitlements Protected by a Property Rule vs Entitlements Protected by a Liability Rule; or FPIC vs Regulated Access Case Commented On: Sproule v Altalink Management Ltd, 2015 ABQB 153 AltaLink is building a transmission line to connect new wind generation in southern Alberta to the grid. The routing and construction […]

ABlawg: The Year in Review

PDF Version: ABlawg: The Year in Review It is the time of year for making lists, and at ABlawg we have decided to put together a compilation of our highlights from 2014. It is also the season for the Canadian Law Blog Awards (Clawbies), and we have included a list of some of our favourite […]