The Next Chapter in the Role of Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health

By: Lorian Hardcastle Legislation and Cases Commented on: Public Health Act, RSA 2000, c P-37; CM v Alberta, 2022 ABKB 716 (CanLII); Ingram v Alberta (Chief Medical Officer of Health), 2023 ABKB 453 (CanLII) PDF Version: The Next Chapter in the Role of Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer of Health At the start of the COVID-19 […]

E. coli and the Public Health Act (Alberta)

By: Shaun Fluker and Lorian Hardcastle Legislation commented on: Public Health Act, RSA 2000, c P-37; Communicable Diseases Regulation, Alta Reg 238/1985; Food Regulation, Alta Reg 31/2006 PDF Version: E. coli and the Public Health Act (Alberta) The beleaguered public health system in Alberta is back in the spotlight with the devastating E. coli outbreak in […]

Mind the Gap: A New Tort of Harassment in Alberta

By: Jennifer Koshan Case Commented On: Alberta Health Services v Johnston, 2023 ABKB 209 (CanLII) PDF Version: Mind the Gap: A New Tort of Harassment in Alberta The law of torts is as old as the mythical reasonable man, but courts continue to create new torts that respond to changing social circumstances and formally recognize […]

Orphan Well Association Annual Report 2022/2023

By: Drew Yewchuk Annual Report Commented On: Orphan Well Association, Annual Report 2022/23  PDF Version: Orphan Well Association Annual Report 2022/2023 The 2022/2023 Orphan Well Association (OWA) annual report was posted to the OWA website on July 7, 2023. OWA annual reports provide insight into Alberta’s orphan oil and gas asset situation and the pace […]

Ethics Commissioner Confirms that Premier Danielle Smith Breached the Conflicts of Interest Act – and a Fundamental Principle of Our Democracy

By: Nigel Bankes, Jennifer Koshan, and Martin Olszynski Matter commented on: Office of the Ethics Commissioner, Report of Findings and Recommendations into allegations involving Hon. Danielle Smith, Member for Brooks-Medicine Hat, Premier of Alberta, May 17, 2023 PDF Version: Ethics Commissioner Confirms that Premier Danielle Smith Breached the Conflicts of Interest Act – and a […]