Search Results for: "family status"

Addictions, Human Rights and Professional Discipline – Will the SCC Wade In?

PDF version: Addictions, Human Rights and Professional Discipline – Will the SCC Wade In? Case Commented on: Wright v College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (Appeals Committee), 2012 ABCA 267 In this recent case, the majority (Justice Frans … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Labour/Employment | 1 Comment

Alberta’s Hate Speech Law Under Challenge

Case considered: Boissoin and the Concerned Christian Coalition Inc. v. Lund, currently before the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench PDF version: Alberta’s Hate Speech Law Under Challenge There has been much talk recently of whether hate speech laws are properly … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Human Rights | 4 Comments

To Employ or Not to Employ: Is That the Question?

Case considered: Lockerbie & Hole Industrial Inc. v. Alberta (Human Rights and Citizenship Commission), 2009 ABQB 241, overturning Donald Luka v. Lockerbie & Hole Industrial Inc. and Syncrude Canada, Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission, February 15, 2008 (Beth Bryant) … Continue reading

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Proposed Amendments to Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act Off the Mark

Legislation Considered: Bill 44, Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Amendment Act PDF version: Proposed Amendments to Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act Off the Mark Over the past twenty years, Alberta’s human rights legislation has been examined and changes have … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights | 2 Comments

Gender Reassignment Surgery, Human Rights, and the Minister

Legislation Considered: Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act, R.S.A. 2000, c.H-14 PDF Version: Gender Reassignment Surgery, Human Rights, and the Minister When the Alberta government introduced its budget on April 7, 2009, one of its cuts was to de-insure new gender … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights | 1 Comment