Premier Danielle Smith and the (Non) Observance of Constitutional Conventions

By: Nigel Bankes and Jennifer Koshan Matter Commented On: Premier Smith’s interactions with the Department of Justice in the matter of Artur Pawlowski PDF Version: Premier Danielle Smith and the (Non) Observance of Constitutional Conventions For the past several weeks, news outlets have been reporting on Premier Danielle Smith’s involvement in prosecutions for COVID-19 and […]

Alberta’s Residential Tenancies Dispute Resolution Service has a Complaint Process

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton Reports Commented On: RTDRS Annual Report, 1st edition (March 2020 – April 2021) and RTDRS Annual Report, 2nd edition (March 2021 – April 2022) PDF Version: Alberta’s Residential Tenancies Dispute Resolution Service has a Complaint Process Alberta’s Residential Tenancies Dispute Resolution Service (RTDRS) has a complaint process. It is almost a […]

Another Trap for Unwary Alberta Residential Tenants: Short, Rigid Appeal Periods

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton Case Commented On: Afolabi v Wexcel Realty Management Ltd, 2023 ABKB 68 (CanLII)  PDF Version: Another Trap for Unwary Alberta Residential Tenants: Short, Rigid Appeal Periods I have written before about the difficulties tenants face when trying to exercise their right to appeal orders granted by the Tenancy Dispute Officers (TDOs) […]

ABlawg Year in Review 2022

By: Admin PDF Version: ABlawg Year in Review 2022 ABlawg is pleased to provide this compilation of highlights from 2022, consisting of some statistics, some examples of ABlawg’s impact, and a synthesis of our bloggers’ contributions in substantive areas of law.

Well Abandonment and Reclamation in Ontario

By: Nigel Bankes Decisions Commented On: Bilodeau v Her Majesty The Queen in the Right of Ontario, 2022 ONSC 1742 (CanLII) and 2022 ONSC 4275 (Costs Endorsement). PDF Version: Well Abandonment and Reclamation in Ontario Over the years ABlawg has published numerous comments on the law pertaining to reclamation and abandonment obligations and the associated […]