Author Archives: Jennifer Koshan

About Jennifer Koshan

B.Sc., LL.B (Calgary), LL.M. (British Columbia). Professor. Member of the Alberta Bar. Please click here for more information.

ABlawg’s Top Cases and Legal Developments from the 2000s, and a Vote for Dunmore

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: ABlawg’s Top Cases and Legal Developments from the 2000s, and a Vote for Dunmore Case Commented On: Dunmore v Ontario (Attorney General), 2001 SCC 94 It is the first month of a new year, and the first year … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Supreme Court of Canada | Comments Off on ABlawg’s Top Cases and Legal Developments from the 2000s, and a Vote for Dunmore

Charter Freedoms and Government Duties around Street Preaching: An (Overly?) Expansive View

Case considered: R. v. Pawlowski, 2009 ABPC 362 PDF version:  Charter Freedoms and Government Duties around Street Preaching: An (Overly?) Expansive View Earlier this month, Judge Allan Fradsham of the Alberta Provincial Court handed down a lengthy and far reaching judgment … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Municipal Law | 4 Comments

Supreme Court Denies Equality Claimants Leave to Appeal Insurance Cap

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: Supreme Court Denies Equality Claimants Leave to Appeal Insurance Cap Case Commented On: Morrow v Zhang, 2009 ABCA 215, leave to appeal dismissed by S.C.C. December 17, 2009 The Supreme Court has denied Peari Morrow … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Insurance Law, Supreme Court of Canada | 1 Comment

Court upholds Alberta’s Hate Speech Law

Case considered: Boissoin v. Lund, 2009 ABQB 592 PDF version:  Court upholds Alberta’s Hate Speech Law Back in September, I predicted the failure of a constitutional challenge to Alberta’s hate speech law, section 3 of the Human Rights, Citizenship and … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Human Rights | 1 Comment

What Counts as “Sexual Abuse” under the Protection Against Family Violence Act?

Cases considered: L.L.S. v. W.M.C., 2009 ABQB 527 PDF version: What Counts as “Sexual Abuse” under the Protection Against Family Violence Act? Justice Donald Lee has written another decision dealing with a definitional issue under the Protection Against Family Violence Act, … Continue reading

Posted in Family, State Responses to Violence | Comments Off on What Counts as “Sexual Abuse” under the Protection Against Family Violence Act?