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Author: Nigel Bankes Page 21 of 88

Nigel Bankes is emeritus professor of law at the University of Calgary. Prior to his retirement in June 2021 Nigel held the chair in natural resources law in the Faculty of Law.

Provincial Cabinet has prima facie “engaged in unfair and abusive delay”

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Provincial Cabinet has prima facie “engaged in unfair and abusive delay”

Case Commented On: Prosper Petroleum Ltd v Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Alberta, 2020 ABQB 127 (CanLII)

Justice Romaine’s oral decision in this matter was released on February 10 and was widely reported in the press. We now have her written memorandum of decision (February 21).

In this case Prosper applied to the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) for the approval of its Rigel oilsands project under theOil Sands Conservation Act, RSA 2000, c 0-7 (OGCA). Under section 10(3)(a) of that Act the AER may approve an oil sands project on any terms and conditions that it considers appropriate if it considers the project to be in the public interest and with “the prior authorization of the Lieutenant Governor in Council”.

No Implied Duties When Voting to Discharge an Operator

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: No Implied Duties When Voting to Discharge an Operator

Case Commented On: TAQA Bratani Ltd et al v RockRose UKCS8 LLC, [2020] EWHC 58 (Comm)

The operator serves a crucial role in the operation of any jointly owned oil and gas property and yet, depending on the terms of the joint operating agreement (JOA), it may be quite difficult to remove and replace an operator. In this decision of the Commercial Division of the High Court (England and Wales), Judge Pelling QC sitting as a judge of the High Court concluded that a group of dissentient joint operators (TAQA, JX and Spirit) (the claimants) were entitled to use a unanimous voting provision in the JOA to replace Marathon oil (MOUK) (acquired by RockRose (RRUK) effective 1 July 2019). Furthermore, there were no implied conditions that the claimants had to fulfill before they could exercise this power. Accordingly, Judge Pelling granted the claimants the declaration that they sought to the effect that the notices by which they purported to terminate the operatorships of various JOAs pertaining to the Brae Fields in the North Sea were valid and take effect in accordance with their terms.

Relationship Between a Farmout Agreement and a Joint Operating Agreement

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Relationship Between a Farmout Agreement and a Joint Operating Agreement

Case Commented On: Apache North Sea Ltd v Euroil Exploration Ltd [2019] EWHC 3241 (Comm) (England and Wales)

Under the terms of a farmout agreement, the farmor, the holder of a working interest in an oil and gas property (i.e. a lease, licence, concession or other form of agreement), affords the farmee an opportunity to earn a share of that working interest in return for performing a work obligation – typically the drilling of a well. In some cases (sometimes termed a farmout and participation agreement) the farmee earns an interest by contributing a share of the costs of a drilling operation to be conducted by the farmor itself rather than the farmee. It is standard practice in either case to attach a joint operating agreement (JOA) to the farmout agreement to address the legal relationship between the farmor and farmee (and perhaps other parties) once the farmee has earned its interest. It is crucial to do this since, once the farmee has earned, the farmor and farmee will then be co-owners of the lease or licence etc, i.e. they will be holders of an undivided interest in that property as tenants in common. But until the farmee earns, the parties are not co-owners. One issue that the parties need to address as clearly as possible in these arrangements is the applicability of the JOA before the farmee has earned. Perhaps a working hypothesis might be that the JOA is of no application until the point of earning since the JOA is fundamentally concerned with co-ownership. However, there is frequently a lot of detail in the JOA that the parties may want to incorporate or make reference to during earning and this may be especially the case where the farmout is better characterized as a farmout and participation agreement rather than a pure farmout where the earning well is drilled at the sole cost, risk and expense of the farmee.

AER Commissioners Grant Summary Dismissal of Applications for Common Carrier and Rateable Take Orders

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: AER Commissioners Grant Summary Dismissal of Applications for Common Carrier and Rateable Take Orders

Decisions Commented On: (1) 2020 ABAER 002, Bearspaw Petroleum Ltd. Common Carrier and Rateable Take Order Applications, Applications 1877294 and 1878333, and (2) Re: Proceeding 360 Harvest Operations Ltd., Decision on Motion to Dismiss, Bearspaw Petroleum Ltd. Applications 1877294 and 1878333, January 24, 2020

In January 2017 Bearspaw filed applications with the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) seeking common carrier and rateable take orders against Harvest Operations Ltd with respect to gas produced from the Crossfield Basal Quartz C Pool (BQC pool). The matter was originally set down for hearing in September 2018 but was adjourned pending other legal proceedings in which Bearspaw had to establish its rights to produce from its 02/11 well in the BQC pool (so far as I am aware those proceedings are not reported). The current hearing was scheduled to begin January 13, 2020, but on November 14, 2019 Harvest filed a motion asking the AER to dismiss Bearspaw’s applications or adjourn the proceedings. On January 24, 2020 the Commission hearing panel chaired by Cecilia Low granted Harvest’s motion and dismissed the applications. On January 30, 2020 the Commissioners issued a decision cancelling the scheduled hearing; the cancellation decision contains a hyperlink to the Commissioners’ decision on the motion.

Public Inquiry Into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns: Interim Report

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Public Inquiry Into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns: Interim Report

Matter Commented On: Allan Inquiry Interim Report, January 31, 2020

ABlawg has published a number of posts on the Allan Inquiry: The Alberta Inquiry and Freedom of Expression; Everything You Wish You Didn’t Need to Know About the Alberta Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns; and Procedural Fairness and the Alberta Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns.

Mr. Allan has now delivered his interim report to Minister Savage as required by his terms of reference (ToR). According to the ToR the interim report is to deal with “advice, proposals, recommendations, analyses or policy options related to the Inquiry …”.

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