Author Archives: Nigel Bankes

About Nigel Bankes

Nigel Bankes is emeritus professor of law at the University of Calgary. Prior to his retirement in June 2021 Nigel held the chair in natural resources law in the Faculty of Law.

Landowners Can’t Use the Surface Rights Board to Mount a Collateral Attack on the Approval of a Transmission Line

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Landowners Can’t Use the Surface Rights Board to Mount a Collateral Attack on the Approval of a Transmission Line Case Commented On: Togstad v Alberta (Surface Rights Board), 2015 ABCA 192 In a completely predictable … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Energy | 1 Comment

Aboriginal Title Claim Against a Private Party Allowed to Continue

By: Nigel Bankes     PDF Version: Aboriginal Title Claim Against a Private Party Allowed to Continue Case Commented On: Ominayak v Penn West Petroleum Ltd, 2015 ABQB 342 Some forty or so years ago the Lubicon Lake Band and Chief Bernard … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

ITLOS Special Chamber Prescribes Provisional Measures with Respect to Oil and Gas Activities in Disputed Area in Case Involving Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: ITLOS Special Chamber Prescribes Provisional Measures with Respect to Oil and Gas Activities in Disputed Area in Case Involving Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire Decision Commented On: International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), … Continue reading

Posted in International Law, Law of the Sea, Natural Resources, Oil & Gas | Comments Off on ITLOS Special Chamber Prescribes Provisional Measures with Respect to Oil and Gas Activities in Disputed Area in Case Involving Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire

Summary Judgment on Contested Amounts Owing under Natural Gas Processing and Related Agreements

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Summary Judgment on Contested Amounts Owing under Natural Gas Processing and Related Agreements Case Commented On: SemCAMS ULC v Blaze Energy Ltd, 2015 ABQB 218 This is an important judgment on the interplay between the … Continue reading

Posted in Contracts, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

Crown Oil Sands Dispositions and the Duty to Consult

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Crown Oil Sands Dispositions and the Duty to Consult Case Commented On: Buffalo River Dene Nation v Ministry of Energy and Resources and Scott Land and Lease Ltd, 2015 SKCA 31 The Saskatchewan Court of … Continue reading

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