By: Shaun Fluker
PDF Version: COVID-19 and the Suspension of Energy Reporting and Well Suspension Requirements in Alberta
Order Commented On: Ministerial Order 219/2020 (Energy)
Section 52.1 of the Public Health Act, RSA 2000, c P-37 provides a minister with power to suspend, modify, or effectively amend the application of legislation which they are responsible for under the Government Organization Act, RSA 2000, c G-10. Ministerial orders exercising this power are being made with increasing frequency during the COVID-19 emergency, and these orders, together with other public health orders issued by Alberta during this crisis, are published here. One should also keep an eye on the Queen’s Printer website for Orders-in-Council which enact new, or amend existing, regulations to address COVID-19. Readers may recall that I previously commented here on Ministerial Order 17/2020 (Environment and Parks) which suspends routine environmental reporting. This post looks at Ministerial Order 219/2020 issued by the Minister of Energy on April 6, 2020 which suspends some reporting and inactive well suspension requirements under energy legislation.