Author Archives: Jonnette Watson Hamilton

About Jonnette Watson Hamilton

B.A. (Alta.), LL.B. (Dal.), LL.M. (Col.). Professor Emerita. Please click here for more information.

Much Ado about Little: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Yugraneft Corp. v. Rexx Management Corp.

PDF version: Much Ado about Little: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Yugraneft Corp. v. Rexx Management Corp. Case considered: Yugraneft Corporation v. Rexx Management Corporation, 2010 SCC 19 An Alberta company, Rexx Management Corporation, was ordered to pay an almost $1 … Continue reading

Posted in Arbitration, Corporate / Commercial, Supreme Court of Canada | 1 Comment

No Dower Act Consent? Is the Transaction Void or Voidable?

PDF version: No Dower Act Consent? Is the Transaction Void or Voidable? Case considered: Charanek v. Khosla, 2010 ABQB 202 The question of whether failure to comply with the Dower Act’s requirements results in the transaction being void or voidable … Continue reading

Posted in Property | 6 Comments

There is Rarely Compensation for the Wrongful Filing of Caveats

PDF version: There is Rarely Compensation for the Wrongful Filing of Caveats Case considered: Singh v. 862500 Alberta Ltd., 2010 ABCA 117 This case may be of interest to some because judgments considering claims for compensation for wrongly filed or … Continue reading

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Doubts about Arbitrator Immunity

Case considered: Flock v. Beattie, 2010 ABQB 193 PDF version: Doubts about Arbitrator Immunity Can arbitrators be sued if they perform their duties negligently? Can they be sued if they breach their contract with the disputing parties? These questions were … Continue reading

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Arbitration for the Quick and Final Resolution of Disputes? Hardly.

Cases considered: Karaha Bodas Company, L.L.C. v. Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak Dan Gas Bumi Negara, 2010 ABQB 172 and Flock v. Beattie, 2010 ABQB 193 PDF version: Arbitration for the Quick and Final Resolution of Disputes? Hardly. At first glance, these … Continue reading

Posted in Arbitration | 2 Comments