Author Archives: Jonnette Watson Hamilton

About Jonnette Watson Hamilton

B.A. (Alta.), LL.B. (Dal.), LL.M. (Col.). Professor Emerita. Please click here for more information.

The perils of selling the same property twice (with an aside on styles of appellate decision-making)

Case considered: Castledowns Law Office Management Ltd. v. FastTrack Technologies Inc., 2009 ABCA 148 PDF version: The perils of selling the same property twice (with an aside on styles of appellate decision-making) This was a dispute between two purchasers of … Continue reading

Posted in Appellate Practice, Contracts, Property | 1 Comment

Do testators have moral as well as legal obligations to their dependants? Not in Alberta

Case considered: Petrowski v. Petrowski Estate, 2009 ABQB 196 PDF version: Do testators have moral as well as legal obligations to their dependants? Not in Alberta Alberta’s Dependants Relief Act, RSA 2000, c. D-10.5 allows adult children who are unable … Continue reading

Posted in Wills and Estates | 3 Comments

No one wins when relatives fight over an estate, lawyers behave with incivility, and judges are asked but refuse to recuse themselves

Cases Considered: Nazarewycz v. Dool, 2009 ABCA 70. PDF Version:  No one wins when relatives fight over an estate, lawyers behave with incivility, and judges are asked but refuse to recuse themselves There is little in this case that shows … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession, Wills and Estates | 1 Comment

The End of Law: A New Framework for Analyzing Section 15(1) Charter Challenges

By: Jennifer Koshan and Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: The End of Law: A New Framework for Analyzing Section 15(1) Charter Challenges Case Commented On: Ermineskin Indian Band and Nation v Canada, 2009 SCC 9 After the Supreme Court of … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Constitutional, Oil & Gas, Supreme Court of Canada | 4 Comments

A Welcome Primer on Interpreting Covenants in Leases

Cases Considered: Orbus Pharma Inc. v. Kung Man Lee Properties Inc., 2008 ABQB 754. PDF Version:  A Welcome Primer on Interpreting Covenants in Leases This case is about the proper interpretation of a term in a commercial lease concerning the … Continue reading

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