Author Archives: Linda McKay-Panos

About Linda McKay-Panos

Linda McKay-Panos is the Executive Director of the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre. She taught Language Arts and Social Studies with the Calgary Board of Education for 7 years before returning to university to obtain a Law Degree. She practiced law for a time, before joining the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre in 1992 as a Research Associate. Linda is a sessional instructor in the Faculties of Communication and Culture and Law at the University of Calgary. Linda received her Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws degrees from the University of Calgary. Linda is the President of the Alberta Association for Multicultural Education and the Past President of the Public Legal Education Network of Alberta. Linda is the author of several publications dealing with civil liberties, access to information, human rights, discrimination, equality and related topics. Linda received the 2001 Suzanne Mah Award and an Alberta Centennial Medal in 2005 for her work in human rights in Alberta.

Remedy Decision Released in the Lund v. Boissoin Case

Cases Considered: Darren E. Lund v. Stephen Boissoin and the Concerned Christian Coalition Inc. (May 30, 2008 Lori G. Andreachuck, Q.C. Panel Chair) PDF Version: Remedy Decision Released in the Lund v. Boissoin Case In an earlier decision released on … Continue reading

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Vriend Ten Years Later

By: Linda McKay-Panos PDF Version: Vriend Ten Years Later Case Commented On: Vriend v Alberta, [1998] 1 S.C.R. 493 April 2, 2008 marked the 10th anniversary of the release of the SCC decision in Vriend v Alberta. This decision was … Continue reading

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Ombudsman May Review and Make Recommendations Regarding Decisions of Chief Commissioner of the Human Rights and Citizenship Commission

Cases Considered: Alberta (Ombudsman) v. Alberta (Human Rights and Citizenship Commission), 2008 ABQB 168 PDF Version: Ombudsman May Review and Make Recommendations Regarding Decisions of Chief Commissioner of the Human Rights and Citizenship Commission This case, although somewhat technical, is … Continue reading

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Calgary Bar Cannot Discriminate on the Basis of Race or Religion

Cases Considered: Jaspal Randhawa v. Tequila Bar & Grill Ltd. o/a Tequila Nightclub (March 17, 2008 Alta. H.R.P. Diane Colley-Urquhart, Panel Chair) PDF Version: Calgary Bar Cannot Discriminate on the Basis of Race or Religion  The Alberta Human Rights Panel … Continue reading

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Employment and Disability: Some of the Challenges

Cases Considered: United Nurses of Alberta, Local 33 v. Capital Health Authority (Royal Alexandra), 2008 ABQB 126 PDF Version: Employment and Disability: Some of the Challenges The recent decision of Justice D.A. Sulyma in United Nurses of Alberta, Local 33 … Continue reading

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