Author Archives: Martin Olszynski

About Martin Olszynski

B.Sc. in Biology (Saskatchewan), LL.B. (Saskatchewan), LL.M. Specialization in Environmental Law (University of California at Berkeley). Assistant Professor. Please click here for more information.

Supreme Court of Canada Re-writes the National Concern Test and Upholds Federal Greenhouse Gas Legislation: Part I (The Majority Opinion)

By: Nigel Bankes, Andrew Leach & Martin Olszynski  PDF Version: Supreme Court of Canada Re-writes the National Concern Test and Upholds Federal Greenhouse Gas Legislation: Part I (The Majority Opinion) Case Commented On: References re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, 2021 SCC … Continue reading

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“Textbook Climate Denialism”: A Submission to the Public Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns

By: Martin Olszynski  PDF Version: “Textbook Climate Denialism”: A Submission to the Public Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns  Matter Commented On: Public Inquiry into Anti-Alberta Energy Campaigns After two deadline extensions and an additional $1 million dollars, Premier Jason Kenney’s … Continue reading

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Governance and Accountability: Preconditions for Committing Public Funds to Orphan Wells and Facilities and Inactive Wells

By: Nigel Bankes, Shaun Fluker, Martin Olszynski and Drew Yewchuk PDF Version: Governance and Accountability: Preconditions for Committing Public Funds to Orphan Wells and Facilities and Inactive Wells Announcement commented on: Department of Finance Canada, Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: … Continue reading

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Alberta Court of Appeal Opines That Federal Carbon Pricing Legislation Unconstitutional

By: Martin Olszynski, Nigel Bankes and Andrew Leach PDF Version: Alberta Court of Appeal Opines That Federal Carbon Pricing Legislation Unconstitutional Decision Commented On: Reference re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, 2020 ABCA 74 Last month, the Alberta Court of Appeal … Continue reading

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Clearing the Air on Teck Frontier (Extended ABlawg Edition)

By: Andrew Leach and Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Clearing the Air on Teck Frontier (Extended ABlawg Edition) Decision Commented On: Teck Resources Limited, Frontier Oil Sands Mine Project, Fort McMurray Area, 2019 ABAER 008/CEAA Reference No. 65505 A lot of … Continue reading

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