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Author: Nigel Bankes Page 6 of 88

Nigel Bankes is emeritus professor of law at the University of Calgary. Prior to his retirement in June 2021 Nigel held the chair in natural resources law in the Faculty of Law.

The Department of Energy and Minerals Finally Releases the Text of a Ministerial Order Delegating Technical CCS-Related Decision-Making Authority to the Alberta Energy Regulator

By: Nigel Bankes

Matter Commented On: Minister of Energy, Ministerial Order 060/2023, Delegating certain powers of the Minister under the Mines and Minerals Act and the Carbon Sequestration Tenure Regulation, to persons holding particular positions within the Alberta Energy Regulator, April 25, 2023

PDF Version: The Department of Energy and Minerals Finally Releases the Text of a Ministerial Order Delegating Technical CCS-Related Decision-Making Authority to the Alberta Energy Regulator

On April 25, 2023 Peter Guthrie, then Minister of Energy for the Province of Alberta, signed Ministerial Order 060/2023 delegating certain of the Minister’s powers with respect to carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects to staff within the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER). In my view this, in principle, is a sound decision and reflects the recommendations made by the Steering Committee of Alberta’s Regulatory Framework Assessment more than a decade ago. In the interests of transparency, I disclose that I was a member of that Committee. The Committee took the view that while the Department of Energy (now the Department of Energy and Minerals) should have responsibility for decisions related to carbon sequestration tenure and broad questions of policy, responsibility for the more technical decisions related to a CCS project, such as the conditions for issuing a closure certificate, should be made by the AER. The distinction between these different types of decisions had been blurred with the adoption of the CCS amendments to the Mines and Minerals Act, RSA 2000, c M-15 (MMA) in 2010.

Transmission Policy in Alberta

By: Nigel Bankes

Document commented on: Alberta, Ministry of Affordability and Utilities, Transmission Policy Review: Delivering the Electricity of Tomorrow, A Green Paper, October 23, 2023

PDF Version: Transmission Policy in Alberta

The Ministry of Affordability and Utilities is currently engaged in a short-fuse consultation on important questions of transmission policy in Alberta. Existing policy in Alberta is informed by a policy paper issued in 2003 that was implemented through provisions of the Electric Utilities Act, SA 2003, c E-5.1 (EUA) and amendments to the Transmission Regulation initially adopted in 2004: Alta Reg 86/2007 (TReg). The principal vehicle for the current consultation is what the Ministry describes as a ‘Green Paper’, Transmission Policy Review: Delivering the Electricity of Tomorrow. As the Green Paper acknowledges, the world has changed significantly since 2003 and it is important to reflect on whether the policy choices made two decades ago are still appropriate given developments in technology, generation mix, and energy and climate policy.

The Word “Exclusive” Does Not Confer a Constitutional Monopoly, Nor a Right to Develop Provincial Resource Projects

By: Nigel Bankes and Andrew Leach

Decision Commented On: Reference re Impact Assessment Act, 2023 SCC 23 (CanLII)

PDF Version: The Word “Exclusive” Does Not Confer a Constitutional Monopoly, Nor a Right to Develop Provincial Resource Projects

The majority opinion of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Reference re Impact Assessment Act, 2023 SCC 23 (CanLII) (IAA Reference) concludes that the federal government has arrogated to itself decision-making powers that properly belong to provincial governments; powers, that is, with respect to resource projects and other works and undertakings located entirely within a province (for short, “provincial resource projects”). (For an overview of the IAA Reference see Olszynski et al, “Wait, What!? What the Supreme Court Actually Said in the IAA Reference”.) Given that conclusion, it is not surprising that Premier Danielle Smith, as well as former premier Jason Kenney, who initiated the Reference, have celebrated the decision. But in doing so they have both significantly overstated the majority’s conclusions by suggesting that the majority endorsed a strong theory of exclusive provincial jurisdiction over provincial resource projects. Premier Smith, echoing language in the Alberta Court of Appeal majority opinion in the IAA Reference (which we commented on here), would extend this interpretation further to a right of development and to a form of interjurisdictional immunity for projects falling outside the exceptions in section 92(10) of the Constitution Act, 1867. We provide concrete examples of Premier Smith’s use of the word “exclusive” (or its synonyms) and references to a “right to develop” from the Premier’s press conference on the IAA Reference decision and an interview prior to the decision in Appendix A to this post, and a link to the views of the Hon. Jason Kenney in Appendix B.

Wait, What!? What the Supreme Court Actually Said in the IAA Reference

By: Martin Olszynski, Nigel Bankes, and David Wright

Case Commented On: Reference re Impact Assessment Act, 2023 SCC 23 (CanLII)

PDF Version: Wait, What!? What the Supreme Court Actually Said in the IAA Reference

This past Friday, October 13, the Supreme Court of Canada released its opinion in Reference re Impact Assessment Act, 2023 SCC 23 (CanLII) (IAA Reference). Writing for a 5:2 majority (Justices Mahmud Jamal and Andromache Karakatsanis dissenting), Chief Justice Richard Wagner held that what is known as the “designated project” (or “major project” in colloquial terms) review scheme of the Impact Assessment Act, SC 2019, c 28, s 1 (“IAA”) is unconstitutional. This post sets out what is, and is not, constitutional about the IAA regime. We begin by first clarifying the Act’s current legal status. We then set out the principles – post-IAA Reference – of federal and provincial jurisdiction over the environment generally, and then with respect to impact assessment specifically. This is followed by a discussion of the IAA’s specific constitutional defects as found by the majority, the implications of those defects, and their potential remedies. We conclude with some observations regarding the IAA Reference’s relevance to future constitutional battles over federal clean electricity regulations and an oil and gas greenhouse gas emissions cap.

The AER Does Not Have the Jurisdiction to Consider New Coal Applications for the Grassy Mountain Coal Deposit

By: Nigel Bankes

Matter commented on: Applications by Northback Holdings Corporation for a Coal Exploration Program on the Grassy Mountain Coal Deposit, including Application Number 1948547, Deep Drilling Permit

PDF Version: The AER Does Not Have the Jurisdiction to Consider New Coal Applications for the Grassy Mountain Coal Deposit

On September 5, 2023, Northback Holdings Corporation filed an application with the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) for a Deep Drilling Permit in support of a coal exploration program on the Grassy Mountain coal deposit. This deposit is located north of Blairmore, Alberta on a combination of Crown coal lands and Northback’s privately owned land. Northback proposes to commence its exploration program as soon as possible. Northback’s applications have triggered an outpouring of opposition from the coalition of interests that fought the original Grassy Mountain coal project: see here (CPAWS) and here (Corb Lund). There has also been considerable media coverage of this latest development: see here (Bob Weber) and here (Andrew Nikiforuk). My purpose in writing this post is to make the case that (1) Northback was not entitled to make these applications to the AER, and (2) the AER has no business considering the merits of these applications because Northback’s new applications are subject to the general “no new coal rule” contained in a 2022 Ministerial Order directed at the AER (details below). Others have also made this case, including Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (Southern Alberta Chapter) (CPAWS-SAB) and the Timberwolf Wilderness Society, but it still seems useful to summarize the arguments.

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