Category Archives: Administrative Law

Federal Court of Appeal Reviews CEAA “Justification” Determination for Lower Churchill Falls

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Federal Court of Appeal Reviews CEAA “Justification” Determination for Lower Churchill Falls Case Commented On: Council of the Innu of Ekuanitshit v. Canada (Attorney General), 2014 FCA 189 At least three times in the course … Continue reading

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Syncrude v Canada: Where is the gatekeeper when you need one?

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Syncrude v Canada: Where is the gatekeeper when you need one? Case Commented On: Syncrude Canada Ltd v Attorney General of Canada, 2014 FC 776 This post continues on from the introductory comment posted by … Continue reading

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What is the Test for Leave to Appeal from the Decision of a Regulatory Tribunal in Alberta?

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: What is the Test for Leave to Appeal from the Decision of a Regulatory Tribunal in Alberta? Case commented on: Judd v Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board, 2014 ABCA 41 The provincial legislature has chosen … Continue reading

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Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion Project: The Mysterious Case of the Missing Justification

PDF Version: Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion Project: The Mysterious Case of the Missing Justification Document commented on: Decision Statement Issued under Section 54 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 re: Shell Jackpine Mine Expansion Project (2013 ABAER 011/Decision 2013-011) … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Energy, Environmental | 1 Comment

Constitutional Questions and the Alberta Energy Regulator

PDF Version: Constitutional Questions and the Alberta Energy Regulator Decisions commented on: (1) ERCB Letter Decision, April 18, 2013, re Fort McKay First Nation, Notice of Question of Constitutional Law; (2) ERCB Letter decision, May 23, 2013, reasons for decision … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Administrative Law, Constitutional | 4 Comments