Category Archives: Administrative Law

Applicants to a Feed-in Tariff Program Must Expect Change

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Applicants to a Feed-in Tariff Program Must Expect Change Case Commented On: Skypower CL 1 LP et al v Minister of Energy (Ontario) et al, 2012 ONSC 4979 In an earlier post entitled “Low carbon … Continue reading

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The letter decisions of the Energy Resources Conservation Board

PDF version: The letter decisions of the Energy Resources Conservation Board Decision commented on: Reasons for July 17, 2012 Decision on Notice of Question of Constitutional Law, Osum Oil Sands Corp., Taiga Project, August 24, 2012. In a letter decision of … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Natural Resources | 3 Comments

Who decides if the Crown has met its duty to consult and accommodate?

PDF version: Who decides if the Crown has met its duty to consult and accommodate? Decision commented on: Reasons for July 17, 2012 Decision on Notice of Question of Constitutional Law, Osum Oil Sands Corp., Taiga Project, August 24, 2012. … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Administrative Law, Constitutional, Natural Resources | 1 Comment

Nova Scotia exploration well approval case

PDF version:   Nova Scotia exploration well approval case Decision commented on: Margaree Environmental Association v Nova Scotia (Environment), 2012 NSSC 296. In this case Justice MacAdam of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court denied a statutory appeal from a decision … Continue reading

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Access to Justice: University of Calgary Environmental Law Clinic in 2011/2012 – “What’s legal is not always what is just” – Rick Collier

PDF version: Access to Justice: University of Calgary Environmental Law Clinic in 2011/2012 – “What’s legal is not always what is just” – Rick Collier Case and Decision considered: Kelly v Alberta (Energy Resources Conservation Board), 2012 ABCA 19, Hohloch … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Environmental, Intervenors and Standing, Water Law | Comments Off on Access to Justice: University of Calgary Environmental Law Clinic in 2011/2012 – “What’s legal is not always what is just” – Rick Collier