Category Archives: Constitutional

Access to Justice in Criminal Law

By: Alice Woolley PDF Version: Access to Justice in Criminal Law Case Commented On: R. v Moodie, 2016 ONSC 3469 (CanLII) The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees everyone the right to retain and instruct counsel on arrest or detention. What … Continue reading

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From Telecoms to Pipelines: Good News from the Supreme Court of Canada for Pipeline Builders

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: From Telecoms to Pipelines: Good News from the Supreme Court of Canada for Pipeline Builders Case commented on: Rogers Communications Inc v Châteauguay (City), 2016 SCC 23 (CanLII) In this decision the Supreme Court of Canada … Continue reading

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Prime Minister Trudeau You’ve Got the Power (the Criminal Law Power): Syncrude Canada Ltd v Canada and Greenhouse Gas Regulation

By: Sharon Mascher PDF Version: Prime Minister Trudeau You’ve Got the Power (the Criminal Law Power): Syncrude Canada Ltd v Canada and Greenhouse Gas Regulation Case Commented on: Syncrude Canada Ltd. v. Canada (Attorney General), 2016 FCA 160 (CanLII) On May … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Constitutional, Environmental, Natural Resources | 2 Comments

Rights, Camera, Action

By: Erin Sheley  PDF Version: Rights, Camera, Action Case Commented on: R v McCoy, 2016 ABQB 240 (CanLII) The series of police encounters that triggered the Black Lives Matter movement have raised many bitter and potentially unanswerable social questions about the … Continue reading

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The Power of a Trustee in Bankruptcy to Disclaim Unproductive Oil and Gas Properties and the Implications for the AER’s Liability Management Program

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Power of a Trustee in Bankruptcy to Disclaim Unproductive Oil and Gas Properties and the Implications for the AER’s Liability Management Program Case commented on: Redwater Energy Corporation (Re), 2016 ABQB 278 (CanLII) In a … Continue reading

Posted in Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Constitutional, Oil & Gas | 3 Comments