Category Archives: Constitutional

Church of Atheism of Central Canada v MNR: Charitable Status for Atheists and the Triviality of Religious Freedom Infringements

By: Kathryn Chan & Howard Kislowicz PDF Version: Church of Atheism of Central Canada v MNR: Charitable Status for Atheists and the Triviality of Religious Freedom Infringements Case Commented On: Church of Atheism of Central Canada v MNR, 2019 FCA … Continue reading

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Freedom of Expression & Protecting the Visual Environment

By: Lisa Silver PDF Version: Freedom of Expression & Protecting the Visual Environment Case Commented On: Top v Municipal District of Foothills No. 31, 2020 ABQB 521 (CanLII) The legal environment is primarily constructed by written or spoken words. Lawyers write, … Continue reading

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Private Health Care and the Law Part 1: Litigation Challenging Limits to Private Care

By: Lorian Hardcastle PDF Version: Private Health Care and the Law Part 1: Litigation Challenging Limits to Private Care Case Commented On: Cambie Surgeries Corporation v British Columbia (Attorney General), 2020 BCSC 1310 (CanLII) On September 10, Justice Steeves released his … Continue reading

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The New Definition of a ‘Mental Disorder’ in the Mental Health Amendment Act: A Potential Gap in Care for ‘Persistent’ Mental Disorders?

By: Fraser Gordon PDF Version: The New Definition of a ‘Mental Disorder’ in the Mental Health Amendment Act: A Potential Gap in Care for ‘Persistent’ Mental Disorders? Bill Commented On: Bill 17, the Mental Health Amendment Act, 2020, 2nd Sess, … Continue reading

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Offers to Settle and The Public Interest in Charter Litigation: Stewart v Toronto (Police Services Board), 2020 ONCA 460

By: Drew Yewchuk & Sarah Shibley PDF Version: Offers To Settle and the Public Interest in Charter Litigation: Stewart v Toronto (Police Services Board), 2020 ONCA 460 Case Commented On:  Stewart v Toronto (Police Services Board), 2020 ONCA 460 (CanLII) … Continue reading

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