Category Archives: Criminal

Rights, Camera, Action

By: Erin Sheley  PDF Version: Rights, Camera, Action Case Commented on: R v McCoy, 2016 ABQB 240 (CanLII) The series of police encounters that triggered the Black Lives Matter movement have raised many bitter and potentially unanswerable social questions about the … Continue reading

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Should the Dispute Remain Between the Accused and the Crown? Third-Party Intervention in Criminal Proceedings

By: Jessica Magonet PDF Version: Should the Dispute Remain Between the Accused and the Crown? Third-Party Intervention in Criminal Proceedings Cases Commented On: R v Vallentgoed, 2016 ABCA 19 (CanLII) and R v Barton, 2016 ABCA 68 (CanLII) Should courts shun … Continue reading

Posted in Criminal, Intervenors and Standing | 1 Comment

Good Kid, M.A.D.D. City: Seeking Proportionality in Drunk Driving Sentencing

By: Joshua Sealy-Harrington and Joe McGrade PDF Version: Good Kid, M.A.D.D. City: Seeking Proportionality in Drunk Driving Sentencing Cases Commented On: R v Lacasse, 2015 SCC 64; R v Sargent, 2016 ABCA 104 Constantly drinking and drive. Hit the powder then … Continue reading

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Who Are the “Parents of the Nation”? Thoughts on the Stephan Case and Section 215 of the Criminal Code

By: Lisa Silver PDF Version: Who are the “Parents of the Nation”? Thoughts on the Stephan Case and Section 215 of the Criminal Code Matter commented on: Section 215 of the Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46 Much has been written … Continue reading

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When Three Rights Make a Wrong?

By: Erin Sheley PDF Version: When Three Rights Make a Wrong? Case commented on: R v Oakes, 2016 ABCA 90 R v Oakes raised the specter always haunting the edges of criminal procedure: what happens when a procedurally fair trial turns … Continue reading

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