Category Archives: Energy

The Implementing Regulation for Bill 12: The Liabilities Management Statutes Amendments Act, 2020

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Implementing Regulation for Bill 12: The Liabilities Management Statutes Amendments Act, 2020 Matter Commented On: Orphan Fund Delegated Administration Amendment Regulation, OC 174/2020 Bill 12, the Liabilities Management Statutes Amendments Act, 2020, amongst other … Continue reading

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Different Uses of Subsurface Storage Space: Natural Gas Storage or Compressed Air Energy Storage?

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Different Uses of Subsurface Storage Space: Natural Gas Storage or Compressed Air Energy Storage? Decision commented on: OEB Decision and Order EB-2019-0287, Tribute Energy Storage Inc., Application for an order to revoke the designation of … Continue reading

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Considerations in the Design of a Royalty Regime for Helium

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Considerations in the Design of a Royalty Regime for Helium Matters commented on: Press Release, “New royalty rate responds to soaring helium interest” Minister of Energy, May 13, 2020; Department of Energy, Information Letter IL … Continue reading

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AER Refuses Transfer of Foothills Sour Gas Approvals from Shell Canada to Pieridae Energy

By: Shaun Fluker and Nigel Bankes PDF Version: AER Refuses Transfer of Foothills Sour Gas Approvals from Shell Canada to Pieridae Energy Decision Commented On: Alberta Energy Regulator Decision, Shell Canada Limited Transfer of Ownership Including the Waterton Sour Gas Plant … Continue reading

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COVID-19 and the Suspension of Environmental Monitoring in the Oil Sands

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: COVID-19 and the Suspension of Environmental Monitoring in the Oil Sands Decisions Commented On: Alberta Energy Regulator Decisions 20200505A, 20200501C, 20200501B, and 20200501A Last week the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) issued decisions 20200429D (subsequently replaced with … Continue reading

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