Category Archives: Environmental

Federal Environmental Assessment Re-Envisioned to Regain Public Trust – The Expert Panel Report

By Arlene Kwasniak PDF Version: Federal Environmental Assessment Re-Envisioned to Regain Public Trust – The Expert Panel Report Report Commented On: Expert Panel on the Review of Federal Environmental Assessment Processes, Building Common Ground: A New Vision for Impact Assessment in … Continue reading

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Jurisdictional Matters Concerning Environmental Protection Orders Under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Jurisdictional Matters Concerning Environmental Protection Orders Under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act Case Commented On: Director (EAP) v Alberta (Provincial Court), 2017 ABQB 3 (CanLII) During April and May of 2010 a significant gasoline spill … Continue reading

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Assessing Adaptive Management in Alberta’s Energy Resource Sector

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Assessing Adaptive Management in Alberta’s Energy Resource Sector Research Commented On: “Failed Experiments: An Empirical Assessment of Adaptive Management in Alberta’s Energy Resources Sector” (UBC L Rev) (Forthcoming) It was three years and six months ago … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Environmental, Natural Resources, Protection of Spaces, Protection of Species | Comments Off on Assessing Adaptive Management in Alberta’s Energy Resource Sector

Legal Designation of the New Castle Wilderness Protected Areas

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Legal Designation of the New Castle Wilderness Protected Areas Orders in Council commented on: Order in Council 020/2017 (amendments to South Saskatchewan Regional Plan under Alberta Land Stewardship Act) Order in Council 021/2017 (amendments to Forest … Continue reading

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Recent Analysis Shows Canada was Losing Fish Habitat Before 2012 Budget Bills

By: Martin Olszynski and Brett Favaro PDF Version: Recent Analysis Shows Canada was Losing Fish Habitat Before 2012 Budget Bills Matter commented on: Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans’ Review of the Fisheries Act RSC 1985, c F-14 Back in October … Continue reading

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