Cases Considered: EnCana Corporation v. Campbell, [2008] ABQB 234
Justice Crighton’s decision in EnCana v. Campbell suggests that land owners may be able to use the Surface Rights Board (SRB) to require an oil and gas operator to follow more stringent conditions in relation to surface access and related matters such as weed control and water quality protection and testing than may be prescribed in the terms of a well licence or the Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB)’s Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations. Given the potential surface impacts of coal bed methane (CBM) development in the province and the uncertainties associated with the effect of CBM operations on ground water quality this is an important development. But while it offers additional protection for surface owners it also has the potential for a patchwork of environmental requirements etc. which may vary from property to property. This may well be a case where the re-born ERCB needs to be more proactive and precautionary so as to reflect the concerns of and uncertainties faced by landowners especially with respect to such an important matter as water quality.