Category Archives: Oil & Gas

The Federal Crown Fulfilled its Consultation Obligations when the National Energy Board Approved a Seismic Program in Baffin Bay

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Federal Crown Fulfilled its Consultation Obligations when the National Energy Board Approved a Seismic Program in Baffin Bay Case Commented On: Hamlet of Clyde River, Nammautaq Hunters and Trappers Organization – Clyde River and … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Intervenors and Standing, Oil & Gas | 2 Comments

Implementing the New Liability and Financial Assurance Rules for Oil and Gas Operations on Federal Lands in the Arctic and for the East Coast Offshore

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Implementing the New Liability and Financial Assurance Rules for Oil and Gas Operations on Federal Lands in the Arctic and for the East Coast Offshore Regulations Commented On: [Draft] Canada Oil and Gas Operations Financial … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Oil & Gas | Comments Off on Implementing the New Liability and Financial Assurance Rules for Oil and Gas Operations on Federal Lands in the Arctic and for the East Coast Offshore

Alberta Decision on Knock-for-Knock Allocation of Liability in a Standard Form Drilling Contract

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Alberta Decision on Knock-for-Knock Allocation of Liability in a Standard Form Drilling Contract Case Commented On: Precision Drilling Canada Limited Partnership v Yangarra Resources Ltd, 2015 ABQB 433 This case involves the interpretation of a … Continue reading

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Aboriginal Title Claim Against a Private Party Allowed to Continue

By: Nigel Bankes     PDF Version: Aboriginal Title Claim Against a Private Party Allowed to Continue Case Commented On: Ominayak v Penn West Petroleum Ltd, 2015 ABQB 342 Some forty or so years ago the Lubicon Lake Band and Chief Bernard … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

Section 27 of the Surface Rights Act and the Potential Fallout of Non-Compliance

By: Fenner Stewart PDF Version: Section 27 of the Surface Rights Act and the Potential Fallout of Non-Compliance Legislation Commented On: Surface Rights Act, RSA 2000, c S-24 Section 27 of Alberta’s Surface Rights Act obliges operators to notify landowners … Continue reading

Posted in Oil & Gas | 1 Comment