Category Archives: Supreme Court of Canada

Good Kid, M.A.D.D. City: Seeking Proportionality in Drunk Driving Sentencing

By: Joshua Sealy-Harrington and Joe McGrade PDF Version: Good Kid, M.A.D.D. City: Seeking Proportionality in Drunk Driving Sentencing Cases Commented On: R v Lacasse, 2015 SCC 64; R v Sargent, 2016 ABCA 104 Constantly drinking and drive. Hit the powder then … Continue reading

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Another Favourite Supreme Court of Canada Case: The Northern Gas Pipeline Saga

By: Alastair Lucas PDF Version: Another Favourite Supreme Court of Canada Case: The Northern Gas Pipeline Saga Case/Matter Commented On: Berger Inquiry; Committee for Justice and Liberty v National Energy Board, [1978] 1 SCR 369, 1976 CanLII 2; Joint Review … Continue reading

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Faculty Favourites: Celebrating a Supreme Court of Canada Anniversary

PDF Version: Faculty Favourites: Celebrating a Supreme Court of Canada Anniversary Editor’s Note 2016 is the 140th anniversary of the year that the Supreme Court of Canada began hearing cases. Our colleagues at the Bennett Jones Law Library are marking … Continue reading

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Adieu à la Langue Française

By: Theresa Yurkewich PDF Version: Adieu à la Langue Française Case Commented On: Caron v Alberta, 2015 SCC 56 Introduction Gilles Caron and Pierre Boutet, the appellants, were charged with traffic offences under section 34(2) of the Use of Highway … Continue reading

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Impaired Driving and Approved Screening Devices

By: Shaun Fluker, Elliot Holzman, and Ian Pillai PDF Version: Impaired Driving and Approved Screening Devices Case Commented On: Goodwin v British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles), 2015 SCC 46; Wilson v British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles), 2015 SCC … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Criminal, Statutory Interpretation, Supreme Court of Canada | 1 Comment