Category Archives: Supreme Court of Canada

The Supreme Court of Canada Denies Leave in Brookfield

Cases considered: Brookfield Bridge Lending Fund Inc. v. Vanquish Oil and Gas Corporation, 2008 ABQB 444, reversed 2009 ABCA 99, leave to appeal denied November 19, 2009 The Supreme Court of Canada has denied leave to appeal to the joint … Continue reading

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Staying Arbitration Proceedings under Section 7(5) of the Arbitration Act

Case considered: Lamb v. AlanRidge Homes Ltd., 2009 ABCA 343  PDF version:  Staying Arbitration Proceedings under Section 7(5) of the Arbitration Act Lamb v. AlanRidge Homes Ltd. is an interesting case, in part because the Alberta Court of Appeal calls … Continue reading

Posted in Arbitration, Supreme Court of Canada | 7 Comments

Prosecutorial Accountability?

Case considered: Miazga v. Kvello Estate, 2009 SCC 51 PDF Version:  Prosecutorial Accountability? In its 2002 decision in Law Society of Alberta v. Krieger, 2002 SCC 65, the Supreme Court of Canada affirmed the ability of the Law Society of … Continue reading

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Motion for Re-hearing of Hutterian Brethren Case Dismissed by Supreme Court of Canada

Cases considered:  Alberta v. Hutterian Brethren of Wilson Colony, 2009 SCC 37 PDF version:  Motion for Re-hearing of Hutterian Brethren Case Dismissed by Supreme Court of Canada On October 15, 2009 the Supreme Court of Canada denied a motion to … Continue reading

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Unhappy differences arise in R. v. Cunningham

Case considered: R. v. Cunningham, 2008 YKCA 7 PDF version: Unhappy differences arise in R. v. Cunningham On November 17, 2009 the Supreme Court of Canada will hear argument in R. v. Cunningham, an appeal of a judgment by the … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession, Supreme Court of Canada | 1 Comment