Category Archives: Supreme Court of Canada

This Fall’s Supreme Court Hearings – A Missing Voice for Human Rights

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: This Fall’s Supreme Court Hearings – A Missing Voice for Human Rights Case Commented On: Brent Bish on behalf of Ian Stewart v. Elk Valley Coal Corporation, Cardinal River Operations, et al, SCC Case No 36636, … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Intervenors and Standing, Supreme Court of Canada | Comments Off on This Fall’s Supreme Court Hearings – A Missing Voice for Human Rights

Taking Proportionality Seriously in Charter Adjudication: R v KRJ

By: Stephen Armstrong PDF Version: Taking Proportionality Seriously in Charter Adjudication: R v KRJ Case Commented On: R v KRJ, 2016 SCC 31 (CanLII) Introduction The rights and freedoms enshrined in the Charter are not absolute. They are “subject only to … Continue reading

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Throwing the Dog a Bone: A Historical and Policy Critique of the Supreme Court’s Bestiality Ruling

By: Joshua Sealy-Harrington and Evan Choate PDF version: Throwing the Dog a Bone: A Historical and Policy Critique of the Supreme Court’s Bestiality Ruling Case Commented On: R v DLW, 2016 SCC 22 (CanLII) In R v DLW, 2016 SCC 22 … Continue reading

Posted in Criminal, Statutory Interpretation, Supreme Court of Canada | Comments Off on Throwing the Dog a Bone: A Historical and Policy Critique of the Supreme Court’s Bestiality Ruling

The Deductibility of Legal Fees Incurred in Child Support Proceedings and Section 15 of the Charter

By: Kyle Gardiner  PDF Version:The Deductibility of Legal Fees Incurred in Child Support Proceedings and Section 15 of the Charter Case commented on: Grenon v. Canada, 2016 FCA 4 (CanLII), leave to appeal dismissed, 2016 CanLII 41074 (SCC) On June … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Family, Supreme Court of Canada, Tax | Comments Off on The Deductibility of Legal Fees Incurred in Child Support Proceedings and Section 15 of the Charter

Justice In a Timely Manner: The New Framework for Trial Within a Reasonable Time

By: Drew Yewchuk  PDF Version: Justice In a Timely Manner: The New Framework for Trial Within a Reasonable Time Cases Commented On: R v Jordan, 2016 SCC 27 (CanLII); R v Williamson, 2016 SCC 28 (CanLII) I recently posted a comment … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Criminal, Supreme Court of Canada | 1 Comment