Search Results for: habeas corpus

The Increasing Risk of Conflating Self-Represented and Vexatious Litigants

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: The Increasing Risk of Conflating Self-Represented and Vexatious Litigants Case Commented On: Alberta Treasury Branches v Hawrysh, 2018 ABQB 475 (CanLII) (Hawrysh #1) and Alberta Treasury Branches v Hawrysh, 2018 ABQB 618 (CanLII) (Hawrysh … Continue reading

Posted in Vexatious Litigants | 3 Comments

When Three Rights Make a Wrong?

By: Erin Sheley PDF Version: When Three Rights Make a Wrong? Case commented on: R v Oakes, 2016 ABCA 90 R v Oakes raised the specter always haunting the edges of criminal procedure: what happens when a procedurally fair trial turns … Continue reading

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A “Convicted Terrorist” By Any Other Name

By: Maureen Duffy PDF Version: A “Convicted Terrorist” By Any Other Name Cases Generally Considered: Pelham, Warden of the Bowden Institution, et al. v. Khadr, No. 36081 (Alberta) (Criminal) (SCC, By Leave); Bowden Institution v Khadr, 2015 ABCA 159; Khadr … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Criminal, International Law, Youth and the Law | Comments Off on A “Convicted Terrorist” By Any Other Name

Access to Justice and Human Rights Cases

PDF version: Access to Justice and Human Rights Cases  Case Considered: McClary v Geophysical Services Inc., 2011 ABQB 112 Not being able to afford legal representation occurs quite frequently in civil and criminal legal cases. Some individuals choose to self-represent-either … Continue reading

Posted in Access to Justice, Administrative Law, Human Rights | 2 Comments

The Third Time Is the Charm? The Ongoing Litigation Regarding Omar Khadr

PDF version: The Third Time Is the Charm? The Ongoing Litigation Regarding Omar Khadr Case considered: Khadr v. Canada (Prime Minister), 2010 FC 715. Omar Khadr, perhaps the most controversial of the detainees at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Remedies, Supreme Court of Canada | Comments Off on The Third Time Is the Charm? The Ongoing Litigation Regarding Omar Khadr