Search Results for: jackpine

The Not Quite Twelve Days of Northern Gateway

By Martin Olszynski PDF Version: The Not Quite Twelve Days of Northern Gateway Decision Commented On: Report of the Joint Review Panel for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project When the Joint Review Panel’s report for the Northern Gateway Project (the … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

New Prosperity Mine Panel Report: A “Liberal and Generous,” “Complex,” and Rigorous Interpretation of CEAA 2012

PDF Version: New Prosperity Mine Panel Report: A “Liberal and Generous,” “Complex,” and Rigorous Interpretation of CEAA 2012 Report commented on: Report of the Federal Review Panel – New Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine Project (October 31, 2013) Last Thursday (October 31, … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental | 3 Comments

Constitutional Questions and the Alberta Energy Regulator

PDF Version: Constitutional Questions and the Alberta Energy Regulator Decisions commented on: (1) ERCB Letter Decision, April 18, 2013, re Fort McKay First Nation, Notice of Question of Constitutional Law; (2) ERCB Letter decision, May 23, 2013, reasons for decision … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Administrative Law, Constitutional | 4 Comments

Supreme Court Renders Leave to Appeal Decisions in Several Alberta Cases

PDF version: Supreme Court Renders Leave to Appeal Decisions in Several Alberta Cases Cases considered: R v Mack, 2012 ABCA 42, leave to appeal granted, April 11, 2013 (SCC); Métis Nation of Alberta Region 1 v Joint Review Panel, 2012 … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Administrative Law, Civil Procedure, Criminal, Supreme Court of Canada | Comments Off on Supreme Court Renders Leave to Appeal Decisions in Several Alberta Cases

Duty to consult application is premature – what’s the big deal?

PDF version: Duty to consult application is premature – what’s the big deal? Case and decision commented on: Metis Nation of Alberta Region 1 v Joint Review Panel, 2012 ABCA 352 and decision of the Joint Review Panel  In this decision … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Administrative Law, Energy | 3 Comments