Indigenous Rights and Private Party Liability

By: Kent McNeil

PDF Version: Indigenous Rights and Private Party Liability

Matter Commented On: Thomas and Saik’uz First Nation v Rio Tinto Alcan Inc, 2022 BCSC 15 (CanLII)

To what extent can private parties be held liable in tort law, specifically nuisance, for damage done to Indigenous rights? This was the issue in Thomas and Saik’uz First Nation v Rio Tinto Alcan Inc, 2022 BCSC 15 (CanLII) [Thomas]. In 1952, the Aluminum Company of Canada (now Rio Tinto Alcan Inc., or RTA) completed construction of a dam on the Nechako River in west-central British Columbia to generate electricity for its aluminum smelting operations. Construction of the dam had been authorized by agreements with and a licence from British Columbia pursuant to a provincial statute, the Industrial Development Act, SBC 1949, c 31, which had been enacted to facilitate construction of the hydroelectric dam (Thomas, paras 66-69). The company has abided by all the conditions of the agreements and the licence. Continue reading

Exemptions to the BIA “Fresh Start” Policy

By: Jassmine Girgis

PDF Version: Exemptions to the BIA “Fresh Start” Policy

Case Commented On: Alberta Securities Commission v Hennig, 2021 ABCA 411 (CanLII)

In this decision, the Alberta Court of Appeal (CA) considered whether a debt fell within the exceptions contained in s 178(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, RSC 1985, c B-3 (BIA), and therefore survived the discharge of the bankrupt.

The CA allowed the appeal. The majority reasons were written by Justice Ritu Khullar and concurred in by Justice Jack Watson. Justice Dawn Pentelechuk wrote reasons concurring in the result. Continue reading

The December 2021 Mine Financial Security Program Standard

By: Drew Yewchuk

PDF Version: The December 2021 Mine Financial Security Program Standard

Regulatory Document Commented On: The December 23, 2021 Mine Financial Security Program Standard

In a post back in May 2021, I mentioned a quietly made change to Alberta’s Mine Financial Security Program (MFSP), which sets out the security requirements for coal and oil sands mines in Alberta: Continue reading

Reviewing Regulations Post-Vavilov: Ecology Action Centre v Canada (Part II)

By: Mark Mancini and Martin Olszynski

PDF Version: Reviewing Regulations Post-Vavilov: Ecology Action Centre v Canada (Part II)

Case Commented On: Ecology Action Centre v Canada (Environment and Climate Change), 2021 FC 1367 (CanLII)

This is the second post on the Federal Court’s recent decision in Ecology Action Centre v Canada (Environment and Climate Change), 2021 FC 1367 (CanLII). For the background on this decision, see Martin Olszynski’s first post here. Continue reading